Page 51 of The Night Burning

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This time, Serge hadn’t just harassed Raika. He had harassed Minsi, an eleven-year-old girl who was too little and frail for her age, and who everyone knew had panic attacks.

And she was having one now, because of him.

I didn’t stop running until I was in Serge’s ugly face—he reeked of beer. I shoved him back hard, making him stumbled several feet. He promptly straightened and snarled at me.

“What the—?” I clenched my hands as the Shadow Wolf made itself known inside of me. I could feel myself losing control. Dom hooked his arm around mine and held me back before I pummeled Serge’s face. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Serge stared at me, not caring who I was in the pack. “Your father would be ashamed of who you’ve become. Associating with filth, letting the trash play with your little sister.” He spat on the ground, in Raika’s direction. I lunged at him, but Dom stopped me once again. This time, Vallin had to help him. Serge chuckled. He was loving this.

I glared at him. “I made it clear that no one disrespects Raika. She has done more for this pack than any of us combined, and because of that, she isn't the omega.” I moved my shoulders, freeing myself from Dom and Vallin. “But Raika can defend herself. I’m here, doing my best not to break your nose, because you scared my sister.”

He glanced at Minsi, still in Raika’s arm, shaking uncontrollably, while Raika whispered soothing words in her ear. “Like I said, you’re all associating with filth.”

I went for him again. This time, Dom and Vallin had trouble holding me back. This time, Serge had the decency of looking scared, even for a second.

This time, Raika spoke up. “Shane, he’s not worth it.”

He snickered. “Don’t talk to me, omega.”

“I’m not talking to you!” she snapped. “You’re the one going out of the way to harass me!”

My Shadow Wolf stirred again. “Exactly.” I faced Serge, my eyes deadly. “Last warning. Stop harassing Raika, or anyone else. Learn respect, use it. And learn how to be a part of apack. You’re not just one here doing what you wish. But, if that’s what you want, I can make it come true. If I hear of you bothering Raika or anyone else in this pack, you’ll be banished.”

Serge’s eyes rounded and stayed like that for several seconds. “You can’t do that.”

“Try me and you’ll find out what I can or can’t do,” I snarled. “Now, put your tail between your legs and walk away before I break your nose.”

Serge seemed like he wanted a fight, but when Dom and Vallin stood tall beside me, he huffed and left, his goons following him. I watched as he retreated and only relaxed when he was over a hundred yards from us.

Then I turned to Raika and Minsi and stood right by their side. I stared at them, at a loss for what to do. Minsi shook a little less, but she still had her face buried in Raika’s chest. Raika stared up at me.

“Are you okay?” I asked, my fingers itching to reach for her.

She nodded. Slowly, she pushed to her feet and brought Minsi with her. My sister had a death grip around Raika’s waist. “She’ll be fine. Just give us a minute.” Raika glanced down at Minsi and offered her a gentle smile. “Hey, sweetheart. Will you help me? I need to find five things you can see.” Minsi’s eyes darted around, her breathing ragged. Minsi didn’t speak, but her eyes settled on five things for a couple of seconds. “That’s great. Now how about four things you can touch?”

On she went with the countdown. I had never heard about it until Raika taught me the first time Minsi had a panic attack in front of me.

The anger toward Serge took a backseat to the gratitude I felt for Raika right now. Despite Serge being in her face and speaking hateful things, she had stood her ground and protected my sister. And it hadn’t been the first time. Raika had done more for my siblings than I had.

And for that alone, my heart belonged to her.

I stood still, waiting as Minsi’s breathing slowed and she stopped shaking. Rue was a few steps back, as tense as I was.

“How about we go bake a carrot cake?” Raika asked Minsi. “You like those, don’t you?” Minsi nodded. Raika glanced at Dom, Vallin, Roman, then at me. “Can I use your kitchen?”

“I know why you’re asking, and you know my answer,” I said, my voice low, though I was sure the others could hear me, even if they were several feet back.

She lifted one shoulder. “Better safe than sorry.” She started turning with Minsi.

I touched her arm, just for a second, before I pulled my hand away. “Thank you.”

She offered me a closed smile. “Anything for her.” Her eyes said more than that, and it was all I could do not to embrace and kiss her right here, right now.

She took three steps, then stopped, her face serious.

I followed her line of sight and saw Jay running out of the infirmary. I stiffened as he stopped in front of our group and said, “S-Shane, you have to see this.”

