Page 78 of The Night Burning

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“You’re still there?” he asked, sounding bored.


“Good. Then, have fun.” He turned off the call.

I stared at my phone. “What the hell was that?”

Howls filled the air.

A second later, wolves with white spots appeared in the clearing, illuminated by the truck’s headlights. Fifteen of them.

“Oh, shit,” Dom muttered.

He and Vallin stepped closer to each other. We turned back-to-back and faced the wolves as they closed a circle around us.

The wolves lunged at us and we barely had time to shift. Mad about the deception, my Shadow Wolf asked for release, but I was afraid that without Raika here to tame him, I could end up hurting Dom or Vallin.

I called on my black wolf before the shadow one could take control.

Hold your position, I told Dom and Vallin through our mental link.

Three wolves rushed us, followed closely by three more—two for each of us. I sidestepped the first wolf and met the second one head on. I swiped at his muzzle, hitting him hard and sending him sideways, over the first one. The two of them became a heap at my paws and I took advantage of the moment. I closed my teeth around the first wolf’s neck.

The second wolf yelped and jumped to his feet. But I was ready for him. I bit down on his ear and ripped it off. He yelped again as I spit it out. I smacked at his back and pinned him down. I ripped his throat open.

When I looked up, I found Dom and Vallin had disposed of the other four.

All right. Six down, nine to go,I said into Dom and Vallin’s minds.

Three other wolves came at me. I jumped out of the way before they got too close. I turned to them and snarled. This was taking too long. Whatever game Nortrix was playing, I wanted out of it.

I felt my Shadow Wolf within an arm’s reach. I had tapped into him before, when Serge was harassing Raika, and hadn’t lost control. Granted, Raika had been there.

But I had to trust my gut, and my gut told me I needed to finish this fast.

I welcomed a fraction of the Shadow Wolf. Shadows swirled around me and I suddenly stood on two legs, not four.

The three wolves hesitated.

I didn’t. I ran to them. One jumped at me as I got close, but I simply extended my hand, grabbed him by the neck, and flung him to a tree. The wolf hit the tree and fell with a sickening crunch.

The second one ran at me, but I held it by the neck and rump and broke his spine. The wolf howled. I dropped him on the ground beside me like flicking lint off my clothes.

The third wolf yelped and ranaway from me.

Right. I ran after him, and in five steps, I reached him. I smacked my hand on his side and he rolled away. Before he could get up, I stepped on his ribs, cracking a few, and struck his neck with my claws. Deep gashes cut his throat and blood oozed out.

For a second, I rejoiced in the destruction. I wanted more.

I shook my head and stepped back. No, this wasn’t me. I was done with this wolf for now. If I stayed in this half-form longer, no one would be safe.

I inhaled deeply and thought of Raika, of how even my Shadow Wolf liked her. She could calm me down, bring me joy, make everything all right.

Slowly, the remains of the Shadow Wolf left me and I was my plain black wolf again.

I turned back to the fight, expecting to be attacked right away.

But there were only two wolves left and Dom and Vallin had them.
