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I can tell by the look on their faces that this isn’t going to be pleasant. I had planned on still trying to hang out with them for the remainder of the trip since it didn’t seem right to bail on them when we were here to celebrate Taylor and her upcoming wedding.

Now I’m second guessing that plan.

“Where have you been?” Taylor asks, scowling at me.

“Um, with Declan,” I say quietly.

I know they’re going to find out eventually, but part of me regrets telling them. I like being in a bubble with just Declan and I.

“Ha!” Chloe says, smiling nastily at me. “Youand Declan? What the hell would he want with a fat, boring girl like you?” she spits out at me and I flinch.

“Must be some kind of charity thing,” Taylor says with a mean laugh.

Nikki and Kaitlyn come out of their hotel room then, too, and my stomach drops.

I want to run. I want to go back to Declan and have him tell me again that he wants me. I want to duck into my hotel room and never come out until I’m sure they’re gone.

Nikki and Kaitlyn both smirk cruelly as they see me backed against my door, tears burning my eyes.

“Hey, girls. You’re just in time! Emma here was just about to tell us whytheDeclan Mason would ever be interested in a chubby little wallflower like her.”

I look away from Chloe, staring at the ground, and that’s when I see the flip flops.

He does want me. He does care about me. He met them all last night and had the chance to have any one of them and he didn’t choose them. He chose me.

“You’re just jealous because you threw yourselves at him last night and he still didn’t pick you.”

I don’t know where I found the strength to say that. Maybe it’s been building inside of me since high school. Maybe it’s knowing that I’m the one Declan wants.

“I’m sorry, Taylor, but I’m going to have to skip the rest of your bachelorette party. I need to spend it with my new husband. See you all back in Destiny Falls!” I say with a sweet smile as I open my hotel room door.

By the time I close the door in their faces, they’re still standing there staring at me in disbelief.

I grin, calling Eloise and putting her on speakerphone as I start to pack up all of my things. She laughs and squeals as I tell her everything that happened. She’s ecstatic that I finally stood up to Taylor and her friends. She wants me to ask Declan if he has any single friends for her and I giggle, promising her that I will.

I hang up and hop in the shower, cleaning off last night before I tug on a cute summer dress. I slide my feet into my new sandals and smile as I zip up the last of my toiletries into my suitcase.

I’m just double checking that I have everything when there’s a knock on the door and I grin, skipping over to answer it. Declan beams down at me, bending to brush a kiss over my lips as I let him into the room.

“All packed up?” he asks me and I nod, heading over to grab my suitcase, but he beats me to it.

“I’ll get it. I thought we could drop this off in our suite and then go check out a few more sights?”

“Sounds good,” I tell him, letting him take my hand as we head over to the elevator and up to the suite.

We drop the suitcase off and then Declan leads me downstairs and out onto the sidewalk.

“So there’s an aquarium inside the Mandalay Bay Resort,” he says, pointing to the hotel next door to us, “or we could check out The Mob Museum.”

“How about both?” I ask and he grins.

“Let’s do it.”

We hold hands as we wander down the street to The Mob Museum and he pauses when we pass by a Tiffany’s & Co. store.

“Ready to get your ring?” he asks me and I bite my bottom lip.

Before I can answer him, he’s pulling me into the store and past a few startled employees. He asks to see wedding rings and I get lost in all of the trays of shiny rings.
