Page 35 of Ruthless

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I look out the window and smile as I can see my new home from where I am standing, which so happens to be one of two new branches of my restaurant. Yes, my restaurant that I mostly left behind when I had to move to Munich. I think that Philippe thought it would be a good apology for all the things that have happened to me since becoming his fiancée.

A hell of a lot has changed since that day that was supposed to be our wedding. Only a few days ago we ditched any formalities and eloped because I couldn’t stand the idea of going through a big production again after how many lives were lost attempting the first time. No matter whether they were people I cared about or not, every single body blown to shreds felt like my family somehow even though I knew exactly whose fucking fault it was. I had always known there was something wrong with that crazy bitch, but I didn’t see her trying to end lives that way. It is sickening, and I think it has made me softer, seeing death and destruction like that on a day that’s supposed to be about new beginnings.

Right now, I am supposed to be thinking about how I want the new restaurant to look. It is just a bare building now, and Philippe thought that it might be a good place to start rebranding with, right here where I call home now. He is on the phone with who I can only assume is one of the members of the Clans. I don’t even want to know.

I used to like the idea of being a part of all of it because I like to make people pay for their indiscretions against me, but right now it’s just too soon.

I feel a hand wrap around my waist and smile. "What do you think?" Philippe asks in my ear. I don’t turn away from the window as I answer.

"I think it could be something great. I really appreciate it. I am just not sure how I am going to run one here, New York, and L.A.," I tell him with a light chuckle, though it doesn't fully reach my eyes. I hope he doesn’t notice, because none of this is his fault, and I think he has been beating himself up too. For being so naive about it all. But there is something loveable about that part of him.

"That is what we hire people for," he jokes, making me laugh for real. We just stand there in silence for a moment before he breaks it. "Have you heard the rumors?" he asks suddenly.

I look at him strangely. Normally, I would be in the loop of such things with the friends I keep, but we have all been more distant since the explosion. "What rumors?"

"People are saying that Isabella works for the feds."

"Isabella, as in Aria’s best friend? the one madly in love with Marcellus?" He nods. "No shit?"
