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Power Play

Power Play 1


I drown out Coach as he yells at us during the second intermission. It’s the same speech about make your marks, defending the goal better, blah, blah, blah.

I’m tired of lectures. I’ve been getting them on all fronts: from teachers, coaches, and parents. Why? According to them, I act like an entitled asshole. I’m on the fast track to signing with a pro team; my picture is all over the place. My parents think I’m taking advantage of it, which in some ways is true. I’m going out on dates and getting great seats at games. My coaches and teachers say that I’m not applying myself. Can’t really apply myself when I don’t care; my journey is set.

“Get out there and win,” Coach finishes. Everyone files for the door.

“Not you, Cashel,” Coach snaps.

I take my seat again, waiting for what will be the millionth lecture about whatever I did this time.

“Some scouts are in the stands,” he says.


“No, not great. They have some concerns. If you can’t apply yourself in school, how will you succeed on the ice?”


“Before they take the leap to sign you, you have to show them that you aren’t the entitled asshole playboy that’s seen on TV.”

“What does that mean?” I’m not dumb, but I’m having a hard time following this conversation.

“You need to get a girlfriend, and pass school. That is the only way one of the teams will sign you. When you can show that you are serious about the game and life, you’re golden.”

“Did you just tell me to get a girlfriend?” I ask him. Did I forget to mention that the coach is my dad?

“Yes. You have been saying for years that your dream is to go pro, this is your chance, but if you can’t show everyone that you’re not this persona they see on TV, you won’t get that chance.”

“Lots of athletes screw around,” I point out. That statement doesn’t really make me look good and he shows it on his face—there is disappointment. My brothers all play professional hockey and are happily married, but I know of a few professional players that aren’t.

“Maybe, but lots of them have settled down. Teams want to promote family friendly.”

“Get a girlfriend and graduate?” I’m a senior this year.

“Yep, and look at it this way. You get your degree in business, it will help you in your career.”

“Got it, Dad.”

“Get out there.” He smacks my shoulder and I shuffle to the door. Get a girlfriend? I don’t understand how that will help me. What if I just get a tutor and graduate? And stay out of the news?

I can’t believe my dad told me to get a girlfriend. I’m guessing the scouts are looking at me like I’m a loose cannon since all my brothers are settled down. All I know is that I need to figure out something fast if I want to live my dreams.
