Page 25 of Jocks

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“That falls under your job. You, as the captain, will need to find a way to have the team feel comfortable with a new player and figure out how the two of you are going to work on your own team. She will be at this afternoon’s practice. I want you and her to spend the whole practice working together. Got it?” Coach raises an eyebrow at me.

“Got it. I’ll do my best.”

“Good. Now, could you please send out a message to the team and let them know I would like them twenty minutes early for a team meeting?”

“I’m on it.” Taking my phone out of my backpack, I send a message to the team, adding that they all need to be at the meeting. It’s important.” Immediately, the team members send me back responses saying they will be there. “The team will be there.”

“Thank you. Unless you have something else for me, why don’t you head over to the equipment room and meet the newest member of the team?”

“Thanks coach, I think I will. What’s her name?”

“Taylor, her name is Taylor.”
