Page 26 of Jocks

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Bases Loaded 2

The Meeting

Arrivingattheequipment room, I take a deep breath before opening the door. I spent the entire walk thinking about what could have possibly caused Erin to just up and leave. I thought about texting her several times, but I didn’t. She will tell me if she wants to. Until then, she was the one who walked out. Not only on me but the whole team.

Walking in, I see coach Waldon in the uniform closet. Standing next to him is a girl with dark, purple-hair cut in a bob style. She isn’t very tall, maybe just a little over five feet. At first glance, she is cute and looks like someone you would want to hang out with.

“The fit problem isn’t my waist or my ass. It’s these damn ham hock thighs of mine.” I hear her tell the coach.

WHAT? An out of shape girl, right before the tournament. Yeah, let’s have her join the team. That’s a great idea.

I make an effort to close the door in order to draw their attention, then walk over to the closet.

“Ahh Meredith, this is our new catcher. Taylor. Taylor, meet our star pitcher and captain of the team Meredith.”

“Coach Waldon.” I nod, then look over to Taylor. “Hello. Coach Simon’s said you’ve played college ball before. Ever at the catcher position?” I say in more of a challenging tone than I mean to.

“Hello yourself. I’ve played every position. Catcher is my preferred position. I like the trash talk aspect of it.”

She puts her hands on her hips and stands with her legs planted, looking me straight in the eyes.

Great one of these.

I pride myself on being able to read other players. I watch body language and movements. It’s how I became a collegiate all-star pitcher. I can tell if the batter is nervous or confident. Reserved or out to show off. Right now, I can tell this girl and I aren’t going to get along.

“Well, we will see how you can handle it. By the way, WE don’t waste time on trash talk. Our playing is all the trash talk we need. When was the last time you were on a field?”

“I was on a field last week. Went home and helped my folks on the farm.” Taylor’s defiant attitude irritates me.

“I hope your playing is as good as your trash talking.” I match her stance.

“That’s enough let’s go. It’s time to head to the meeting. Coach Simons wouldn’t want either of you being late.” Coach Waldon steps between the two of us. “Taylor, after practice, we’ll come back over and get you the rest of your gear.”

“Thanks, coach.” Taylor side steps around me to follow coach to the door.

Yeah, not going to get along at all.

The team takes the news of Erin’s leaving like I did, shock and a bit of panic. Coach Simons introduces Taylor.

“We are very lucky to have Taylor. She wanted on the team when she transferred, but we didn’t have room on the roster, so she had to sit out. She’s a collegiate all-star catcher with an impressive batting average. She’s stepping into a position on a new team at the worst possible time. I expect all of you to help, support and make her feel welcome. Questions?”

She’s an all-star catcher? Why didn’t the coach mention that?

A chorus of “No coach.” is heard.

“Good. Alright, everyone out on the field, we’re going to have a light practice today. I don’t want anyone getting hurt before we travel. Meredith and Taylor, you two stay here, please.”

The team immediately heads over to Taylor. They shake her hand and welcome her to the team. Then they chatter to each other about the turn of events as they exit the gym.

“Ladies, coach Walton filled me in on your initial meeting. Are we going to have any problems?”

“No, coach.” We both answer in unison.

“That’s what I want to hear. I want you two in your positions. Practice together. Get to know the feel of each other. Meredith, don’t overdo it. We need you for this weekend.”

Taylor and I glance at each other. Both of us throw daggers.

“GO!” Coach’s voice sends us jogging for the door.
