Page 18 of Heartsick

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Next, she was going to suggest that I see the doctor. I’d tried talking to a doctor before about the intensity of my revolving thoughts. That only got me accused of needing time in a mental hospital, which my mother deemed a ‘bad look.’ I didn’t want to spend time there anyway. I had far greater things to worry about than my mental health.

I rolled my eyes and turned toward the door. A few steps away, the witch cleared her throat. “What about my meal?”

“Your meal?” My boots smacked against the ground again as I stormed toward the glass and kicked it over onto the floor. The glass rolled slowly, blood draining out into a small puddle.

The witch’s teeth lengthened and her lips twisted into a frown. I didn’t care if I pissed her off. I didn’t care if I pissed off the entire world right now.

“You can lap it off the ground like a dog,” I sneered before I launched myself out of the room in a wild fury. Jesseline sighed as I passed and pulled the door closed behind me, more annoyed than worried about how I stumbled into the hallway.

I tipped forward, ready to find myself face first on the ground, but a wide hand caught my chest. Using the outstretched arm as support, I looked up to find Slyke watching me, unmoved and seemingly uncaring about my clear personal distress. That was the name of his game. It wasn’t odd to find the messenger appearing in my halls. He and Jesseline would often convene and discuss only the gods knew what before he would disappear again.

“Jesseline is in there if you wish to talk to her.” I pointed behind me. With one arm, I reached for the wall so I wouldn’t need to cling to the messenger, but even as I pulled away he didn’t budge.

“No, my message is for you.” His deep voice was solemn, making my chest seize up with worry. “King Dace.”

“What is it?”

It had been a while since I’d traveled to the Heathern Court and talked with Ryker. The whirlwind of losing my parents, becoming king, and having a burgundy witch in my castle was taking all of my time. That and getting drunk, a small voice said in the back of my mind.

“There was an attack on the castle, making the building unstable. The Nymphs have been forced to find a new location—”

“Are they coming to me? We can find a place for them. I can make a new refuge if I need to. Ryker can stay in the castle. Rightfully, as the future queen, she should be here. With me.” White cold power turned the tips of my fingers blue. “She’s fine, right? Everyone’s fine?”

Slyke licked his lips. Probably wondering how to shut up my drunken rambling. “They are fine, but they are not coming here. Their best chance is to make it to the Acture Court. Ottack has officially started to move his troops and they are heading into the Heathern Court to intercept them.”

My head buzzed with the distant memory that someone had told me something about his troops moving earlier in the day, but it didn’t seem urgent then. Not like it did now.

They shouldn’t be running away. They were just going to give up the land, just like that? Having the Heathern Court was an advantage that we needed to keep.

“Ryker’s okay?” I mumbled, rubbing my hand down my face. Nausea rolled in my stomach, threatening to discard everything I had just eaten.

Slyke nodded as he stepped back as if my skin was turning green. He was just like everyone else. Just like Jesseline, runaway Ryker, and my parents. Everyone always seemed to be taking a step away from me.

Maybe because I was always a moment away from insanity.



The Heathern Court weather was less than accommodating. No breeze filtered through the dense trees to soothe the blistering burn of the sun on our shoulders. I expected the heat to wane closer to the Acture Court, but for now we suffered. If I thought too hard, or if I didn’t think enough, I would blink and find myself feeling like I was working in the stables again. Worrying that if I moved too quickly or stopped for a break they would bring a whip down on my back was an unconscious fear. Every time I closed my eyes, I could hear the horses, loaded up with the few bags we had available, and that only enhanced my feeling.

Anger made the idea of a potential fight feel more right. That was the Ryker that had survived the torture of King Ganglin’s rule, the one who let fury fuel her more than anything else. But today, there was more than anger inside of me. There was love. I was ashamed of myself for even allowing it, but now the idea of a fight scared me more than anything. When wars were waged and battles fought, death was quick to follow. Would it be my friends that didn’t survive? Would it be me?

I’d rather it be me than them. I’d let King Ganglin burn me on a pike if it meant that my blood kept everyone safe, but my sacrifice wasn’t an option, and the likelihood of us meeting in battle was great.

Shavarra and Suzetta walked a few feet in front of me. Shavarra was reviewing what Suzetta called ‘medical terminology.’ It certainly sounded like a different language to me. I had fallen back in the group, letting Nymphs who spoke casually pass me. Despite being surrounded by so many Nymphs, and the few Fae, I was almost utterly alone.

With a huff, I flung my backpack off my shoulders. The bag bumped and rattled against my legs as I continued to walk and dig through its belongings. A pinprick jabbed into the calloused flesh of my fingertips and I knew I had found what I was looking for. I pulled the crystal meant to communicate with my sister from the bag, keeping it in my hand, while I situated it back behind me.

“Hattie Avery,” I whispered, holding the crystal close to my chest. Sunshine filtered through the trees and shone into the stone, bending until I could see my sister’s form walking beside me. A couple of gasps rose from behind me, but no one interrupted.

Hattie brushed her low ponytail that hung over her shoulder behind her back and smiled gently. Her grin quickly faded to a furrowed brow and a question on her lips. “Where are you?”

Physically? An old trade route, that is more grass than road at this point, with a caravan of runaway Nymphs.

Mentally? Lost, fucking lost.

“King Ganglin paid us a visit.” I tried to smile like the attack didn’t scare me, but the sting of unwanted tears was already forming in my eyes. I kept my eyes wide and refused to blink for fear I would push them out.
