Page 10 of Her Maine Reaction

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My naturally curly brown hair is long and wild, and I only put on a little extra makeup than usual to make my hazel eyes pop. I’ve been known to draw men in with the mysterious gold, brown, and green colors of my eyes, and over the years, I’ve learned to use them to their full advantage.

But they’ve also gotten me into some trouble this past year. Jackass men tend to think that just because I smile and make eye contact with them, it means I want to fuck them every which to Sunday. They always say they knew I wanted them, that it was in my eyes. The most notable examples being my last two bosses. Fucking dicks.

Hearing my phone buzz on the bed, I pick it up to see a text from Ally saying she’s here. I throw my lipstick and phone in my purse and walk around the house to make sure the back door and all of the windows are locked before slipping on my coat and scarf.

Stepping out onto the porch, I lock the door behind me.

Holy balls it’s cold! Maybe sheer tights wasn’t the best idea.

Hurrying to her car, I climb in, rubbing my hands together. “I need food and alcohol. ASAP.”

“Me, too. Courtney is meeting us there. She had to run home to change, and then I think Jack is driving her.”

“Good. Because we’re going to get fucked up, and we’ll need a ride home later.”

Shaking her head, Ally smiles. “At least we’ll be responsible about our inebriation.”



Walking into The Rusty Anchor, I smile, loving that it’s just as I remember it. The floors are a dark wood that matches that of the ceiling and the horseshoe shaped bar at the far end of the room. Two pool tables separate the bar area from the twenty or so tables that are scattered on the side closest to the door, and the walls are a deep navy blue, and are lined with neon signs, posters, and all sorts of nautical memorabilia.

Choosing a table closest to the bar, we take our jackets off and sit. Looking around, I take in the people, not sure if I’m hoping, or dreading, to see the familiar face of a certain Pine Cove resident.

“Looking for someone?” Ally asks.

“Oh, no. Just looking around,” I quickly say, standing. “I’ll get the first round.”

Walking up to the bar, I see that the sexy bartender, Alex, is still working here.

“You’re back.” He smiles, his emerald green eyes gleaming mischievously. “And just as beautiful as I remember.” And he’s just as good looking as I remember. His dark hair, green eyes, and tattoos scream ‘a good time with a bad boy.’ But sadly, he doesn’t even compare to Ryan. Not even close.

“I am.” I smile back.

“Just you this time? Not the whole entourage?”

“Yeah, just me. I needed a break, and Ally invited me up,” I tell him. “I’ll have a Jack and coke, and Ally will have–”

“A gin and tonic. Her usual.”

“Yeah.” Watching him make our drinks, I smooth my hands down the sides of my skirt and look around again. I don’t know why I want to torture myself this way. I want to see him, and I don’t want to see him. I want to kiss him, and I want to slap him.

Oh, for fucks sake, what I want is for him to pin me up against the wall and take me the way he did all those months ago.

“Here you go, gorgeous. The first round is on me.” Alex winks, sliding the two glasses towards me.

“Thanks, Alex.” I smile, turning back to Ally, seeing that Courtney has arrived.

“Hey, Ash,” she greets, taking her coat off and hanging it on the back of the chair.

I place the two drinks down on the table. “Hey. Let me get you a drink. Alex said the first round is on him.”

“Of course he did,” she says, rolling her eyes.

“A free drink is a free drink.” I laugh, walking back up to the bar and flagging Alex down. “I need a drink for Courtney now, too.”

“So, I should expect it to be a wild night then?”
