Page 106 of Her Maine Reaction

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“Ryan, relax. I’m good, I promise. Maybe you could just hold my hand, and then I won’t fall.”

“I can do that,” he says. “I won’t let you fall on my watch.” Ryan grabs my coat from the closet door and holds it up to help me put it on.

“Where is all of my other stuff?” I ask. “My car? My purse? Anything else I had inside?”

“I have your purse. And your car was towed to the impound. We can go and get it when you’re feeling better. Don’t worry, I took care of everything.”

“Thank you. Is my car a goner? Can she be saved?”

“I’m not sure. I came straight here to be with you.”

“Oh,” I whisper, the breath leaving my lungs. He came straight here to be with me. He was worried. He cares.

Taking my hand, we walk down the halls of the hospital, and I feel every step pulse through my head. I have to focus on putting one foot in front of the other.

Squeezing his hand, I move to loop my arm with his, and he looks down at me, his eyes filled with concern.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I just need to lean on you a little.”

“Are you sure? Do you need me to get a nurse?” He looks around for one, but I shake my head.

“No, I just need you. I’ll be fine. I’m just a little off balance.”

“Are you sure?” he asks again, my heart swelling at his concern.

“Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

Continuing on, we make turn after turn until we finally make it to the sliding doors, the cold air hitting me hard.

“I’m just over there.” He nods toward his SUV cruiser parked in the ‘official vehicles only’ spot.

“I see you’re abusing your power for me. Do I have to ride in the back?” I smile, my mind going straight to handcuffs.

“Do you have some sort of criminal/being arrested fantasy? Because we can play that out, sweetheart,” he muses, a gleam in his eyes.

“Oh my God, Ryan.” I laugh, rolling my eyes. “I don’t know if I do, but maybe when I’m feeling better, you can pull those cuffs out again.”

“That’s a given.” He smirks, opening the passenger door and helping me up. Spreading his hand out on my thigh, he slides it up. “I loved having you at my mercy, laid out and ready for me. I’ve never seen anything sexier in my life.”

“Are you trying to make me dizzier? Because it’s working.” My head is spinning, and I wish it wasn’t so banged and bruised, or I would be jumping him the second we got back to his house.

Leaning into the car he kisses me, his tongue sliding along the seam of my lips.

“Not helping,” I rasp, my breathing rapid.

“Not sorry.” He smiles, kissing me again before closing the door.

“There’s a lot of buttons and gadgets up here,” I say when he gets in the driver’s side. “What do they all do?”

He points to a series of switches. “These are for the siren, lights, and speaker. And then there’s my laptop, radio, and scanner.”

“Oohh, can I turn the lights and siren on?”

“Sure. I’ll take a backroad so you can go crazy.” Smiling, Ryan pulls out of the hospital parking lot, the sky lightening with the rising of the sun.

I can’t believe the accident was only last night. It feels like I’ve been out of it for days, but on the other hand, my body is exhausted like I haven’t slept for days.
