Page 107 of Her Maine Reaction

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The morning winter sky is streaked with orange, pink and yellow. A beautiful, bright, contrast to the stark white of the snow.

Winding our way through backroads as we make our way back to Pine Cove, Ryan looks over at me when we turn onto a desolate road with no houses.

“Alright, Ash, light it up.”

Bouncing in my seat, I ignore the protest in my head, and I rub my hands together–warming them up for the task.

I flip the switch for the lights, and smile when blue lights start flashing all around. Next, I flip the switch for the siren, and a girlish giggle bubbles out of me.

When I press the button next to the switches, the siren makes that whooping sound, and I laugh again.

Switching it off, I look at him hopefully. “Can we find someone to pull over?”

“What? No, Ash, we can’t.” He laughs. “I’m taking you home to rest. I’m not on duty, either. I took a few days off, actually.”

“You did?” I ask, all joking aside.

“Yeah, I did.” He nods, looking over at me, unsure. “Is that okay?”

“What? I mean yes, it is. I’m just surprised. I know you’re busy.”

“Not too busy for you. I want to make sure you’re okay, and I was given strict instructions to watch over you.”

“Isn’t the town going to fall apart? Won’t criminals be running around on the loose?”

“Yes, Ash, the town is going to go up in flames and be brought down by criminals running rampant while I’m sitting at home watching movies with you.”

I place my hand on his forearm. “Ryan,” I say softly, “thank you. The fact that you took off of work for me. I…” I swallow the lump in my throat, tears pricking the back of my eyes. My pounding head is making my thoughts all jumbled, and I’m feeling too emotional.

Taking my hand, he brings it to his lips. “You don’t have to do everything by yourself, Ash. I’m here for you. You can depend on me.”

I really want to. I want him to be that guy for me.


Nodding, he intertwines his fingers with mine and places our joined hands on his leg.

The ride back to his house is quiet and comfortable, the streets empty at this early hour. I close my eyes and lean my head back, trying to block out the pounding in my head.

“We’re here,” Ryan says gently, waking me from a light sleep.

“Mhmm.” Blinking awake, I unbuckle by seatbelt and climb out, gripping the door for support.

“Hey, let me.” Ryan rushes to my side and wraps his arm around my waist.

Walking into his house, Ryan brings me over to the couch.

“Just relax, I’ll be right back.”

“Okay.” Closing my eyes again, I lay on my side and drift off, waking again to the scent of chocolate. “Mmm.”

“I knew that’d wake you.”

“How do you make this? I need to know. It’s like liquid gold.”

“I’m not telling you.”

“Why not?”
