Page 15 of Her Maine Reaction

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“Already? Courtney just got you a round.”

“Judgy much? We can handle our liquor.”

“Never said you couldn’t, beautiful,” he says, holding his hands up in defense. “You have a ride home, right?”

“How sweet. You’re concerned for our safety. And yes, I’m sure either of their men will have no issue coming to pick us up.”

“Okay.” He nods, pouring our shots.

Taking two trips back to the table with our drinks, I hold my shot in the air and propose a toast. “To reunions, a good night, and fun.”

“Here-here!” Ally and Courtney say together as we clink glasses and shoot our shots back.

The song changes in the bar, and I gasp. “Oh my God, I love this song! Come on!” I yell, standing, trying to pull them to their feet. “Let’s dance!”

“Oh, no. No, no, no,” Courtney chants. “I don’t dance.”

“Yes, you do, and you will.” Dragging them to their feet, I pull them towards the small makeshift dancefloor that’s really just a few tables pushed out of the way, and I start to spin around. Raising my hands above my head, I move my hips, and sway to the rhythm of the song. Grabbing Ally’s hand, I twirl her around, and we move to the beat.

Smiling at Courtney, I grab her next, and pull her towards me so I can show her how to move. Laughing, she goes with it, and we start to move together, until a hand snakes around my waist, and I freeze.

Spinning around, I come face to face with some drunk asshole who thinks he can just put his hands on me without asking.

Pushing him away, I level him with a death stare. “What the fuck are you doing? Don’t touch me.”

“Baby,” he slurs. “I think you could use a man like me with the way you’re moving. I’ll take care of yourealgood.”

“You’re disgusting,” I sneer.

“Come on, baby,” he slurs again, reaching for me.

“Get the fuck away from me.” Stepping back, I bump into Ally, and she finally realizes what’s happening.

“What’s wrong?”

“This fucker thinks he can just touch me.”

“The way you’re dancing”–he licks his lips–“makes a man want a taste of that fine body.”

“Gross,” Courtney says, grimacing. “Get out of here.”

Another drunk asshole walks up to our little party, and sways next to me. “Is he bothering you, beautiful?”

“If you’re talking to me,” I start, “then no. I can handle this on my own.”

“I can help you, sweets.” He winks, turning to the dick who touched me. “Leave her alone.”

“Is she yours? You should keep a better handle on her.”

“I’m not property, and I’m standing right here. I can speak for myself, you chauvinistic fuckers.” I’m raging on the inside right now. I feel like I’m some sort of douchebag magnet. I’m just trying to have fun with my friends.

“Let’s just go back to our table,” Ally whispers in my ear. “I’ll call Jake to come and get us.”

“Fine,” I huff, wanting to get away as quickly as possible.

But after turning away, one of them grips my arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Freezing, I look down at the hand on my arm, my blood turning to ice in my veins. He’s seriously touching me again? Turning slowly, I meet his bloodshot eyes of the first dick with my steely gaze. “Get your hand off of me.” My voice is low and menacing.
