Page 3 of Her Maine Reaction

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Throwing my arm out, I reach for my phone on the nightstand and scroll for the number I need. I know she’s awake. She talks about watching the sunrise with her man all the damn time.

“Hey, Ash,” Ally greets cheerily on the third ring.

“You really need to stop being so cheerful so early in the morning.”

“Sorry.” She laughs. “Jake and I–”

“Yes, I know. You two woke up early to have sex and watch the sunrise.”

She laughs again. “Okay, what did you call for then, if not to hate me for having sex with my man?”

Ugh, lucky bitch.

I’ve known Ally since freshman year of high school, when the four of us–me, her, Elizabeth, and Melanie–were put together in a group for orientation. And we’ve all been best friends since.

Last year, Ally moved to a cute small town in Maine called Pine Cove, and she fell in love. That bitch. Her and Jake found the rare kind of love that we all only dream of finding, and get sick of seeing and hearing about pretty quickly if we ourselves don’t have it.

Rolling onto my back, I groan at the pain that travels across my shoulders from my neck.

“I called because Rick tried to force me to have sex with him last night.”

“WHAT?!” she yells, and I have to hold the phone away from my ear for a second.

“Yeah, when we were cleaning up last night. He obviously couldn’t take another night of rejection, so he pinned me to the bar, pushed his dick against me, and kissed me. It was disgusting. And my neck is fucking killing me from where he grabbed me.”

“He grabbed your neck?” she practically growls.

“Yes. And then I kneed him in the balls and punched him in the face before taking all of the tips and running out of there. I never thought he’d do something so stupid.”

“I’m assuming you quit then?”

“Yes. And now I really have no idea what I’m supposed to do. You know I can’t get a job at any law offices around here, and that bar was the only high paying one in the area. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Why don’t you come up and stay with me for a week?” Ally suggests. “You need a break, and I don’t want that creep coming around looking for you after what happened.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to intrude on you and Jake.” They moved in together after he proposed at the end of last summer, and I really have no desire to hear them having hot sex at all times of the day. I also have no desire to watch them being all cute and in love while I’m lonely and single.

“I can ask Dottie if the cottage is free. I doubt anyone is clamoring to rent in the dead of winter, so she may let you stay there for really cheap, or even for free.” Dottie is the cute old lady that Ally rented from last summer when she moved to Maine. And apparently, she played a major role in getting her and Jake together. She’s a crafty old broad.

“Really? Because I don’t have any money to spare. Especially now that I’m jobless again.”

“Let me call her right now, and I’ll call you back, okay?”

“Thanks, Ally.”

“Of course, Ash. I’m sorry that this happened. I’m glad you fought back and taught that fucker a lesson, though. Just sit tight, and I’ll call you right back.”

“’Kay. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

After hanging up with Ally, I feel a little better knowing that a plan is in motion.

Rubbing my eyes, I throw the blankets off of me and shuffle down the hall to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth, and then sweep my hair back and turn to see the marks on my neck. They’ve gotten darker and more pronounced, with four finger marks on the left, and one on the right.

My anger flares inside of me again.

I don’t understand what that asshole was thinking. I’ve said no every night for six months, and so he decides that means I want him? He’s fucking delusional! I don’t know why men always think that I’m flirting with them, and then get all put out when they finally realize that I’m really not interested in them. I was already driven out of one job because it, and now a second.
