Page 59 of Her Maine Reaction

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My eyes lazily follow him until he’s out of my line of sight.

Damn, his ass is fine.

Returning a minute later with a damp washcloth, Ryan kneels, and gently wipes me clean. Glancing up, he flashes me a small smile, and kisses my inner thigh when he’s finished.

He leaves again, and when he comes back, he picks his sweatpants up off the floor and pulls them on, covering up my spectacular view.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he says, and my eyes flash up to his to see him wink. “You’ll see me naked again soon.”

My lips twitch, fighting a smile. “I’ll hold you to that, sheriff.” Grabbing my sweater, I pull it over my head and tug it down so it covers everything important, but still leaves my legs on full display. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be seeing it all again soon, too,” I tell him when I catch him staring.

“I know.” He smiles, pouring us each a fresh glass of wine.

“Thanks,” I say, taking the glass from him, and leaning back against the couch.

Nodding, he takes a seat next to me, his arm almost touching mine as I sip my wine and watch the flames dance, trying to recover from what just happened. But I honestly don’t think I ever will. I can still feel him on me, and in me. And I know I’ll never forget it, or get enough of it.

“What’s your favorite movie?”

“Are you seriously asking me that?” I laugh lightly. We just had hot sex that rivals the fire in front of us, and he’s asking me about my favorite movie?

I turn my head towards him, and he smiles. “Yes.”

“Okay, then,” I say, tapping the rim of the wine glass against my bottom lip. “Jurassic Park.”


“Yes. Does that surprise you?”

“Sort of.”

“Why? A woman can’t have a thing for dinosaurs?”

“Of course she can. I just didn’t peg you as a woman who did. But I love that movie, too. Now I know what we’ll be watching when the power comes back on.”

“Oh my God, yes! Do you have it?” I ask excitedly.

Laughing, he nods and takes a sip of wine. “I have all of them, including the new ones.”

“A movie marathon it is, then. First thing when the power comes back on. Please, and thank you.” I smile sweetly.

“Anything you want.”

“Oh, anything? Well, then, I also want dessert,” I tell him. “To start with,” I add, biting my lip to keep from smiling too wide.

Reaching out, Ryan runs a finger up my bare calf. “I’ll be right back.”

Standing, he grabs the flashlight he left on the coffee table, and walks into the kitchen. Opening a few different cabinets, he grabs a variety of things I can’t see, and places it all on a tray.

As he’s walking back, I chew on my lip, watching the flames lick light and shadows across his bare chest, abs, and arms. My God, he’s sculpted like a fucking warrior.

It’s a sin that he looks so good.

My eyes drift down to the tray in his hands when he sits back down, and I smile. “S’mores.”

Grabbing two marshmallows and a metal stick, I poke the marshmallows onto the ends, and then sit up on my knees, scooting over to the fireplace.

“I love s’mores,” I tell him as I roast my marshmallows. “My friends and I used to have bonfires a lot in the fall, and they weren’t complete without s’mores.”
