Page 65 of Her Maine Reaction

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Waking sometime later, I spread my hand out next to me, but only find cold sheets where Ryan should be. Opening my eyes, I scan the room, but he’s not here, and his clothes are gone.

Eyeing the bedframe’s bars behind me, I smile to myself, pulling the comforter up to my mouth. Damn, he’s good.

Glancing at the pillow next to me, I find a piece of paper with large scrawling script.

Morning beautiful,

I didn’t want to wake you because you looked so peaceful, but I had to go into work. I wish I could spend all day in bed with you – holding you, kissing you, and fucking you senseless. On my next day off, we’ll do just that.

I’ll be home after 6.


Smiling like a fool, I hold the piece of paper to my chest and roll onto my back. I actually feel giddy right now. I can’t remember the last time I felt giddy over a man. Probably high school, if then, even. But I know I’ve never felt like this.

Pulling the comforter tighter around my shoulders, I curl back on my side and bring his pillow to my face, inhaling his scent that he left behind. That spicy, woodsy smell is so intoxicating.

Peeking over at the clock on the bedside table, I see that it’s only nine. Oh my God, I have to kill nine hours before he gets home?

Groaning, I throw the covers off of me and shuffle down the hall to the bathroom. I hate that I can’t even take a hot shower because the power is out.

Splashing cold water on my face, I brush my teeth, and try and get my curls in order, but my hair is a mess. Giving up, I throw it up in a high bun, and head back to my room to get dressed.

Today–surprise, surprise–I go with leggings and an oversized sweater. This one, though, is hunter green, and really brings out the green in my eyes.

Throwing on a pair of fuzzy socks, I head downstairs and scope out the bookshelves around the fireplace for a book to read. But as I’m scanning the shelves, I see another note for me–this one taped to the mantle.

Morning beautiful,

I hope you’re dressed warm, but if not, I started a fire for you. Just add more logs when it starts to die down. And if clothes are too tiresome to put on your perfect body, feel free to wait for me naked, laid out by fire, the flames casting a warm glow across your silky skin. That’d be more than okay with me.

And if you’re not naked now, you will be soon…


Smiling, I shake my head. He thought I’d walk around his house naked? When it’s freaking freezing?

He has one thing right, though. I will be naked soon…

Hmm, maybe I’ll let him come home to a little surprise.

Scanning the shelves again, my eyes catch on the gold patterned spine of Jane Eyre. Pulling it out, I feel the smooth, old leather. It’s slightly worn, but still beautiful.

I’m about to settle into the couch when my stomach growls in protest. Placing the book on the table, I walk into the kitchen, and find another note on the counter next to a thermos.

Morning beautiful,

I’m sorry you can’t have coffee, but I made you hot chocolate, and it’s in the thermos.

I wouldn’t open the fridge, just to preserve what’s in there, but I’ve left out all the good cereal options to eat without milk. And there’s a bowl of fruit if you want as well. Search around for anything you’d like, though.

Make yourself at home.


I think this man had the goal of making me like him even more when he woke up today. And it worked.

Smiling, I take a sip from the thermos, and my eyes roll back when the delicious liquid chocolate hits my tongue. Seriously, this tastes like he melted a bar of chocolate and poured it in here.
