Page 70 of Her Maine Reaction

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They don’t fucking get it. I didn’t want to share him with them. I didn’t want him to be just another dating story. I wanted to keep him as a night just for me. I wanted to have it to pull out and think about–a secret all my own.

I’ll answer for you.She continues.He’s different than the others, and that scares you.

Stop analyzing me, Mel. I’m not one of your patients. I’m not some puzzle for you to solve. And I’m not in the mood for a lecture. My phone’s dying, so I’ll just talk to you guys whenever.

Turning my phone off, I toss it on the nightstand and roll over, burying my face in the pillows.

I’ve never talked back to my friends like that before. Sure, I can be bitch, and I speak my mind, but I’m never rude. Mel is a great nurse, and I just threw that in her face. But she’s the friend in our group that is too perceptive at the worst of times. When I don’t want advice, and I don’t want a lecture, that’s when I get one.

But I can’t deal with this shit now. I don’t want to.

I just want to pretend this little bubble I’m living in will last longer than it’s destined to. The snow will stop, the power will return, the roads will clear, and I’ll have to move on.

The bubble will burst, I know it will. But I’m not ready to deal with the aftermath of it just yet.

I want to have the best sex of my life with the sexiest man alive for as long as I can. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

It is, though. Because those little fuckers called feelings come creeping into your heart when you know you can’t have the happily ever after they dream of. They have a life of their own. No matter how much you tamp them down, they’ll just bubble up through the cracks you tried so hard to keep covered.

I’m not letting them ruin this, though.

Feelings can just go fuck themselves, because that’s all I’m trying to get out of this deal.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I try and push everything down, and lock up my heart. I don’t need any more drama or complications in my life right now. I need to focus on me.

Pulling the comforter tighter around me, I start with trying to focus on relaxing my body and getting warm.


The rush of cold air against my skin jerks me awake and my eyes fly open.

Shit, I fell asleep. Rolling over, I’m met with Sheriff Ryan Taylor, clad head to toe in his uniform. God, this man kills me with how fucking sexy he looks. So official and powerful.

“Good, you’re naked,” his deep voice praises as his eyes take in every inch of my exposed body. “On your back,” he commands, but I just stare at him. “Now,” he snarls when I don’t do it right away.

Seeing the hard set of his jaw and steely gaze, I roll onto my back, but turn my head to keep my eyes on him.

Ryan pulls the cuffs from his duty belt, the sound of the metal clinking like a siren call to my body. My breath hitches, and my heart starts to race out of my chest like it wants to run right towards the man next to me.

Placing one knee on the bed, Ryan grabs my right arm and raises it above my head. I watch his jaw tick as he focuses on me–just me. The cold metal snaps around my wrist, sending a zap of excitement and anticipation through me.

Grabbing my left arm, he brings it up to meet the other against the bedframe, and threads the cuff through one of the bars before shackling my other wrist.

The gentle skim of his fingers down my arms makes me squirm and pull at the cuffs, feeling their bite.

“The more you struggle, the tighter they’ll feel,” he muses, continuing to caress my skin as if I were something precious and fragile. But I’m neither of those things, especially not right now.

I want his rough touch. I want him to be in complete control. I want him to worship me to the point where he comes completely unhinged and animalistic.

I don’t just want that, I need that.

Stepping back, Ryan admires his work–my body stretched out on the bed, my breasts heaving with every breath I take, and my legs rubbing together, trying to relieve the pressure.

I’ve never felt so exposed. It’s as if he’s memorizing every inch of my body and locking it away in his mind forever.

With slow, deliberate steps, he walks around to the end of the bed, and brushes his fingers over my ankle and around to the underside of my arch. Jerking away from his touch, he catches my foot, and then grabs the other one before I can pull away.

I can’t move my arms, or my legs, now.
