Page 83 of Her Maine Reaction

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“You, as a species, have an automatic power over us men. No matter how much we’d like to think we can hold on to you, or boss you around, it’s you that decides everything.”

“Boss us around? What is this? The 50’s?”

“No.” He smiles. “But you know what I meant.”

“So, are you saying I have some sort of power over you because I’m a woman?”

“Yes,” he says simply.

“Hmm,” I hum, tapping a gloved finger to my chin. “Is there anything I can do with this power?”

“You can do just about anything, sweetheart. But I know you won’t.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, raising my brows.

“Nothing.” Looking away, I see his lips moving, muttering something under his breath, but I can’t make it out.

Uh, okay?

“So how was work? Catch any criminals?”

“No. The snow has made people stay quiet for a few days. But it’ll start up again.”

“What is it you do exactly as sheriff?” I ask, then quickly add, “there’s just so many branches–police, troopers, sheriffs–what’s the difference?”

“Well, small towns like Pine Cove don’t have separate police departments, so we are the police. I deal with courthouse transfers, warrants, arrests, and general patrol. We’re everything, really.”

“Sounds tiring.”

He barks out a short laugh. “It is.”

“But you love it.” I smile, leaning into him.

“I do. I just wish there wasn’t so much paperwork attached.”

“Well, you should find a way to reward yourself after doing a certain amount of forms, or whatever your paperwork is. It would help keep things interesting.”

“Like what?” he says low, looking down at me, his blue eyes shining. “Can I call you? Maybe do a little phone sex?”

“Ryan!” I yell, hitting his chest. “You can’t be serious? Aren’t there people in your office? Tape recorders?”

“I didn’t hear a no in there.”

“Well, no, I guess you didn’t.” I laugh, the white puffs of my breath a stark contrast against the night.

“So, you’d let me?” His voice is low and hungry.

I’m not a shy person, but talking about this, I feel my cheeks heat under his gaze. “Maybe.”

“Alright, then.” He beams, his smile blinding me, and I can’t look away.

“Don’t get too excited there, sheriff.”

“Oh, we’ll both get excited all right.”

“Oh my God.” The words are forced from my lips with a laugh. He’s got jokes. And I fucking love it.

Turning onto Main Street, I almost slip on a patch of ice, but Ryan grips my arm tightly, holding me up until I’m steady again.
