Page 85 of Her Maine Reaction

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“And what does it mean to be with you?” I ask, my eyes darting to his face to gauge his reaction.

“I’m a public figure.” He shrugs, as if that should be a blanket explanation. “Some women don’t like that I’m not always around or available to them. I have duties, responsibilities. And not many understand that. And some might use that to ruin me.”

“Wow, your view on women is eye opening. We’re not all out to get you. And you do realize that your job attracts some women, right? It doesn’t push them away.”

“Does it attract you?” Such a simple question, but I feel like it’s packed with about a thousand others. If I say yes, does it mean I’m admitting to him more than I’m ready to? Or want to?

“Yes.” The word is barely above a whisper, but I force it out of me.

“Good.” He nods, a small smile on his lips as he opens the restaurant door for me.

Chapter 19

Dinner was amazing. I’ve never enjoyed sitting and eating with anyone more in my life. Sitting across from Ryan as he told me funny stories about him and his brothers had my cheeks hurting from laughing and smiling.

The ten or so other patrons in Anthony’s all came up to Ryan to say hi, and introduce themselves to me. It was friendly, but intrusive. But what else should I expect from a small town?

As we’re walking back to his house, it requires a little more focus now that I’ve had a few glasses of wine. Good thing, though, because I can barely feel the bitter cold against my face now.

A gust of wind blows my hair across my face as snow falls gently from the trees–swirling, twirling, and drifting down like glitter–and I tilt my face up to meet each flake like a gift.

Blinking away the snow from my eyelashes, I focus on the man in front of me. His stare is intense and penetrating, and heats my cheeks despite the cold air.

“What are you looking at?”

“You love the snow, don’t you?”

“Yeah.” I smile, walking a few steps away from him. Closing my eyes, I lift my arms and spin. “The cold air makes me feel alive, and the snow feels like a gift just for me. When the trees are covered, and everything is blanketed in white, it makes even the ugly look beautiful, and the beautiful even more so.”

Two strong arms loop around my waist from behind, and pick me up, pulling me against a rock-solid torso.

“Hey!” I laugh, squealing at the sudden rush of being swept up in the air.

“Hey, what? I couldn’t take another second of not holding you. And I agree, you look more beautiful when you’re in the snow,” he rasps.

“Oh, okay.” I smile up at him, stretching my neck back to kiss his chin before he lowers me to the ground. Holding my hand out for Ryan to take, we continue on walking.

I don’t know if it’s the wine I had, or the magic of the snow, but it feels like nothing but the here and now matters.

All of my fears and doubts can wait until the morning.

Whatever this is between us, I just want to let myself have it. I want to give in to the fact that I’m falling so hard for this man, and not worry about what that means for my heart tomorrow.

I just want tonight.

I feel lighter, somehow.

It’s new, but I know what it is. Happiness. I’m happy just to be around him, and even though it’s only been a few days, they’ve been the best days of my life.

I’ve been free to just be me. Something I haven’t been able to do in a very long time.

As we walk up his driveway, I’m only half paying attention to where I’m going, because I miss the huge patch of ice and my feet are suddenly sliding out from under me.

“Whoooaa! Ahh!!” I scream, knowing I’m about to fall flat on my ass.

Ryan reaches out to try and steady me, but he just ends up slipping on the same patch. Spinning, we start to fall, and the air rushes out of my lungs as we land in the snow mound next to his truck.

Ryan protects me in the steel cage of his arms, and my face is plastered to his chest.
