Page 135 of Her Maine Risk

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As one.

And I crave him with every breath, every heartbeat, and every second of every day.

“Come with me, Mel,” he whispers against my lips, and I let go, the slow burning fire in me detonating into a bomb I didn’t see coming.

Just his words set me off, and I break apart like shrapnel, not caring where I end up, knowing Alex is here to pick up my pieces and put me back together again.

Collapsing on top of me, he rolls us over so I’m draped on top of him – my favorite spot.

My heavy eyelids threaten to fall closed, but then something catches my eyes. What the–

“Um, Alex?”

“Yeah, gorgeous?”

“What’s this?” I ask, tracing a new tattoo that rests over his heart. On his left peck, above his nipple, is the wordforeverin beautiful script.

He must have gotten it sometime yesterday since I didn’t get to see him, and it wasn’t there two ago.

Alex decided to go back to school to finish his business degree, and so a couple of days a week, I don’t get to see him when he has class and homework.

It would bother me that he said he needs to be alone on those days, but then he told me it was because if I was around then he’d be too distracted and couldn’t focus, so I forgave him in an instant. And then proceeded to rip his clothes off and show him exactly how distracting I could be.

“It’s for you,” he tells me, running his fingers through my hair.

“What?” Looking up at him, I see a smile turning the corners of his lips up, his eyes gleaming with emotion.

“I love you, Melanie.”

“And I love you. But that doesn’t explain the tattoo.”

“I think it explains it.” He laughs lightly. “This is forever – you and me. And I want you to know that.”

“Alex,” I whisper, too many emotions clogging my throat to say anything else.

“Will you be my forever?”

“Isn’t it a little too late to ask that? You already have the tattoo.”

“Only because I already know your answer,” he says confidently.

“Do you now?” I smile, tracing the letters again.

“Yeah, gorgeous, I know.”

“So, then you don’t want to hear my answer?”

“No, I’ll hear it,” he says, tugging on the ends of my hair.

I kiss his tattoo, feeling his heartbeat beneath my lips.

He loves me. Hereallyloves me.

“Yes, I’ll be your forever.” Tears gather in my eyes, and I lean up to kiss him – giving him everything I’m feeling.

“See, I told you I already knew,” he murmurs against my lips, and rolls me over, pressing me into the sand as he kisses me until I’m gasping for air.

I came to Pine Cove to find my peace, but I found so much more. And this man is the reason I wake up, and go to sleep, with a smile.

He’s my everything. And I’m his.
