Page 29 of Dark Symmetry

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She was silent against me, afterwards.

I half-expected the waves of desire to subside, but it was as though I still floundered in their depths. I breathed her in, feeling the silk of her hair against my cheek, feeling as though I might drown in my love for her. Knowing, now, that if she ran, I would follow. If I crumbled to cinders at the gates of the City, if I were pierced through the heart by its angelic conscripts, still I would follow.

“Abigor,” she murmured at last. “What have we done?”

I pressed my lips to her shoulder, closing my eyes, feeling my chest tighten as I awaited the inevitable. “Was it a mistake?” I asked, forcing the words.

She pulled back, flushed and lovely in the dappled light, and though her eyes were wide, her gaze was steady and sure.

“No,” she said. “I don’t understand it. And the mandate—there’s a reason; we’ve seen it.” She hesitated. “But I can’t make myself believe this was wrong.”

Relief loosened my limbs, and I closed my eyes, resting my forehead against hers. “What now?” I said.

She shook her head. “I don’t know.”

How long had we been gone? Time, with her, lost all meaning—it could have been minutes or hours. The sun had moved, the shadows were longer, but all I could see was the way they flitted over her body, turning her alabaster skin dusky in the fading light.

She rose, standing and stepping away to gather her abandoned gown, and I immediately mourned the loss of her touch. I rose to my knees and reached for her, catching her forearm as she turned and using it to pull her to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face in the soft skin of her stomach, relief coursing through me as the hum of energy thrummed between us, undiminished.

She made a sound of dismay, her hand coming to rest on my head. “Oh, Abigor. Your clothes.”

“I’ll never need them again,” I said, the words muffled by her smooth skin.

She huffed a soft laugh, but it caught on a moan as I dropped my head lower, pressing a kiss to her abdomen. I couldn’t help myself, I could smell myself there, our scents intertwined. I pressed another open mouthed kiss even lower, then dipped out my tongue, nudging down through her soft folds to the source of the sweetness.

“Abigor.” My name broke on her lips, and the sound lit a fire in my blood that hadn’t been fully extinguished. Glittering fabric fluttered to the ground as her fingers released her dress. Her hands came to my shoulders, holding on for support as I pressed my mouth against her, sweeping my tongue against her swollen flesh, savoring the heady taste of her.

When her hands came to my head, sweeping through my hair to fist my horns in her grip, I let out a groan and pressed harder, holding her as steady as I could with trembling arms. Need consumed me, and I pulled away, sliding one arm down to knock her knees out from under her. I wrapped my other arm around her back, supporting her weight as she fell to the forest floor. Her wings spread beneath her, cushioning her in the bed of leaves as her hands came up to grasp me, pulling me atop her.

The desire to be inside her, surrounded by her warmth, was no less for having felt it before, and when her hand wrapped around my length, I didn’t hesitate. She twined her legs around my waist as I plunged into her. She arched against me and I buried my head in her shoulder as we drew together, again and again, sensation ravaging us both.

I touched whatever skin I could find, losing myself in the pull and clutch of her softness, her sighs, her breathy moans.

Her lips found mine as she trembled beneath me, and I swallowed her cries as she came apart, then followed behind her, helpless in the face of the surging pleasure that swallowed me like a roaring blaze.

She stroked the tip of my wing as I slowly came back to myself, dazed with the intensity of the emotion within me. Would it always be like this? I prayed I would have eternity to find out.

“Abigor,” she whispered against my shoulder, and I lifted my head to look at her. “You still don’t have any clothes.”

I grinned. “I told you I have no need of them.”

She bit my shoulder.

“Hey!” I protested, rolling to the side as she laughed. The sound made my senses swim.

“Come,” she said, her gaze turning serious. “Julian still needs us. I think we’ve kept him waiting long enough.”

Julian. The villagers. I hadn’t forgotten, exactly, but it was hard to find the space for mortal cares when she was wrapped around me. She was right, though; we couldn’t abandon them.

Once again I found myself loath to let her go, so I took hold of her hand, lacing our fingers together as we rose. She donned her gown, then raised an eyebrow at me as her gaze swept over my naked form.

“If you continue to look at me like that, we won’t make it back to the village at all,” I warned her.

Her face softened into a smile, and she leaned in, pressing a kiss against my lips. I breathed her in, imagining just for a moment what would happen if I drove her back down to the forest floor, then steeled my resolve and pulled away. “Let’s go.”
