Page 4 of Work Benefits

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Chapter 2


“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that your face will stay like that forever if you keep scowling?”

I let out a deep breath, then collected myself a bit before turning my head towards the voice that was giving me ridiculous advice, and not because I was annoyed.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Glancing up into the bright blue eyes of Skylar McKay, I was thankful that I was sitting down at my desk. The woman’s voice did things to me, and she didn’t need to see any of it while we were at work.

“I’m pretty sure that my grandmother told me that once, but she obviously lied,” I retorted, smirking at her.

Skylar leaned her fine ass back against the edge of my desk, and this wouldn’t be the first time that I’d envisioned her bent over the surface with my dick buried deep inside her.

She hugged the folder that she was holding to her chest. “I don’t know,” she replied. “You scowl a lot, so maybe she hadn’t lied after all.”

“What do you expect?” I snorted. “These assholes are always giving me something to scowl about.”

“True,” she muttered before breaking out one of her gorgeous smiles. “However, you love it.”

I worked for Opium Energy Sources, and I had started working for them when I had graduated college as a temporary fix until I had figured out what I wanted to do in life. I’d gone to college for industrial and chemical engineering, but six months before graduation, I’d begun to have serious doubts about sitting behind a desk all day long for the rest of my life. I’d been raised to be a doer, and a hands-on doer, not an intellectual doer.

So, I had applied for a maintenance supervisor just to have something to do, and ten years later, I was the most senior maintenance supervisor that they had, and I was good at my job. I had a crew of twelve guys, and I also had enough years in that I had the day shift. The pay was also ridiculous since the safety risks were so high. So, with no wife or kids to speak of, I’d been able to pay off all my college loans within a matter of years. Sure, Dad and Mom had saved up for my education, but sending two kids to college hadn’t been cheap. Wilder and I had shared the financial burden, and we had managed to beat the system.

“He feels really bad,” Skylar went on, and that just made me scowl even more.

“Do not defend him, Sky,” I warned her. “He knows better.”

She started chewing on her bottom lip, and I wanted to do that for her. “I’m not,” she lied. “I just think that your disappointment in him is punishment enough.”

The woman had no idea what punishment was.

Skylar McKay had started working for Opium about a year ago, and my dick had been hard for her ever since. At only five-foot-one, she had platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a face that reminded me of those damn Disney princesses, and her body was slim, petite, and compact enough to be tossed around all over my bed. Now, while I didn’t have a particular preference when it came to the women that I bedded, petite women worked better for my rough tendencies. Plus, they bruised easier, and I liked seeing my mark on the delicate, tender, smooth flesh of a woman.

She was also thirty-years-old, and that was just the right amount of grown for me. I didn’t have the patience for younger women, and older women didn’t have the patience for me. It was a vicious cycle, for sure.

The woman was also kind, personable, funny, witty, and could hang with the roughnecks of this department. She didn’t get offended easily, though we did our best not to offend her. Skylar was our department’s administrative assistant, and she answered only to our boss, Waylon Patterson. That little fact was what had my dick thinking that we could dip into them waters. Even though it’d be frowned upon to mix business with pleasure, I wasn’t Skylar’s boss, nor was she mine, so there was no inappropriateness by those standards.

However, we were still coworkers, and things could get messy if something were to ever happen, then not work out. I wasn’t worried about my feelings because, again, I was very upfront with my intentions from the beginning. Still, I’d had a few women change their tune from the agreement that we’d had in place after they’d caught feelings. I wasn’t sure what Skylar’s stance was on no-strings-attached sex, but I really, really,reallywanted to find out.

I wasn’t the only one, either.

Her name was on the lips of most of the men here, but I was hardly a hypocrite. As long as they weren’t vile when speaking about her, I couldn’t fault them for commenting on how beautiful she was or how they’d like to take her out sometime. After Waylon had laid down the rules upon her employment, I had gone a step further with my crew and had warned the married guys off her. Since there wasn’t a no fraternizing policy between equal-leveled employees, there hadn’t been much that I could do about the single guys, but the married guys had gotten an earful.

No one needed a jealous wife storming the gates.

So, a year later, Skylar was like one of the guys, and everyone knew that her parents owned a bakery, and that her sister worked at a temp agency. We also liked to tease her about their celestial names. She took it all in good humor though.

The only problem that I had with Skylar McKay was that I wanted to fuck the woman something fierce. We got along really well, so I had a feeling that she’d be a great friends-with-benefits if she wasn’t the everything-is-love type.

“He’s still not going to get out of a write-up, Sky,” I told her, knowing that she had a soft spot for my newest crew member, Adam Giles.

She placed the folder that she’d been holding against her chest on my desk. “Well, that’s the final incident report,” she replied. “It’s ready for submission.” The woman was using the words like punishment and submission like my dick wasn’t already hard enough as it was.

Still unable to stand up, I just looked at her. “Do not baby him, Skylar.”

Her lips twitched, and I really needed to go out and get laid. “I’m not,” she lied again.
