Page 8 of Work Benefits

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His lips twitched a bit. “Don’t even try it, Sky,” he said. “Everyone knows that women have a hard time separating sex from something more meaningful.”

I immediately jumped onto a crusade for women everywhere, even though what he was saying was true. “Maybe the women thatyou’vebeen dating,” I huffed.

Landen straightened to his full height. “Are you actually telling me that you’re able to separate sex from emotion?”

“Depends on the emotion,” I replied. “Because the last time that I checked, lust was an emotion.”

“Lust is a physical reaction,” he corrected. “It’s not an emotion.”

I leaned forward, placing my arms on my desk. “If the man is good enough to make me feel it all the way down to my toes, then I consider that an emotion.”

Landen stepped through the doorway, then shut the door behind him. “And have you ever had a man that’s made you feel everything down to your toes?”

I leaned back in my chair. “Everything? I thought we were only talking about lust?”

“Lustiseverything when it’s the only thing that you can feel, Skylar.”

Holy crap.



We were crossing a line, but I couldn’t find it in me to care much. Skylar was opening the door, and there was no way that I wasn’t going to walk through that motherfucker.

Normally, I got off work around five, and I would be out of here before Skylar ended her shift. However, I’d had my one-on-one with Adam about his write-up, so I had stayed over. Walking Adam out of my office, I’d heard music coming from Skylar’s office, and I hadn’t been able to stop my feet from making their way over to her. I wouldn’t say that I was pussy-whipped because I hadn’t come close to being anywhere near her pussy, but I was something.

So, when I had opened the door, I had enjoyed the impromptu concert as she had sung to me. I hadn’t recognized the song, but the music had been catchy in that popular music kind of way. Still, whatever else I had expected, I hadn’t expectedthisconversation.

“I guess it depends on the chemistry,” she replied. “Explosive chemistry doesn’t come around often.”

I leaned back against the door, eyeing her, hoping that this conversation wasn’t going to get me into any trouble. I doubted it because Skylar wasn’t like that, but a man could never be too careful. While I was all for the sexual protection of women, there were a lot of vicious, vindictive, hateful women out there that made it hard for guys like me. I was very much a chauvinist, and that wasn’t a good thing outside the bedroom these days.

“So, you don’t think that you can build chemistry with someone?”

“No, I don’t think that you can,” she answered. “Chemistry is more of an instant attraction sort of thing. If you have to create the chemistry, then it’s not chemistry. That sounds more like you’re building a relationship.”

“So, what about those infamous butterflies?” I asked. “What do you consider those to be?”

“That’s attraction,” she quickly answered. “You don’t discover the chemistry until after that first kiss.”

Though I wanted to win this debate, Skylar had a good point. There was a difference between attraction and chemistry. Attraction was what made you say yes to a date; chemistry was what made you say yes to a dirty fuck in the backseat of a car.

“And how do you know the difference between chemistry and emotions?” I asked her.

The woman smirked, and she looked so damn sexy doing it. “If during random moments in the day, I find myself wondering what you’re doing, then that’s emotion. If I find myself only wondering what your dick is doing, then that’s chemistry.”

“And if you’re doing both?”

“Then that’s love, my friend,” she easily answered. “And that’s when crap gets complicated.”

“So, you’re not looking for love?” If she said yes, then I would immediately change the topic. While I wasn’t looking for it myself, I would never stand in the way of someone who was looking for it.

A look flashed across her pretty face, and she looked like she was really giving the question some serious thought. Finally, she said, “It’s not that I’m looking for it or not looking for it. If it happens, I’m okay with that. If it doesn’t, well, how am I going to get upset about great sex?”

“How do you feel about friends-with-benefits?” I asked, finally voicing the words.

“They’re great,” she answered. “That is, if the guy sticks to the agreement.”
