Page 82 of Love Me Tender

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GRANT: Did you eat dinner?

RORY: I had a gummy worm casserole with a side of Twizzlers.

GRANT: I have a jerk chicken platter, rice and beans, fried plantains, and Jamaican cornmeal bread.

RORY: Can I have some?

GRANT: Sure. Open the door.

Rory caught her breath. Her heart cartwheeled. Tossing her phone down, she leapt off the bed and ran to unlock the door.

Oh my god.Everything inside her lit up like a thousand Christmas trees.

Grant smiled, his green eyes crinkling in the way that she loved so much. He looked wonderful, his hair rumpled and his strong, handsome features vibrant with anticipation. He set down several paper bags and extended his arms. With a laugh of sheer happiness, she flung herself at him, hugging him tightly and wrapping her legs around his waist.

“I can’t believe it.” She buried her face in his shoulder and inhaled his familiar scent, feeling as if it had been years rather than a few weeks since she’d seen him. “Imissedyou.”

“I missed you.” He kissed her forehead, his arms tight around her. “Can I come in?”

She laughed again. “Yes, sorry. Don’t forget the food.”


He brought the food inside and set it on the kitchen counter before pulling her close and giving her a hot, greedy kiss that weakened her knees and fired up her lust. Within seconds, they were tugging at each other’s clothes, their hands seeking naked skin, their lips locked.

Already the hard evidence of Grant’s arousal pushed against the fly of his jeans, and a throbbing ache expanded through Rory’s lower body. Urgency swept over them both like a wave, engulfing them in the dizzying reminder of what they were together.

He lowered her to the bed and took her in the way she both needed and desperately wanted—swift, fast, and hard. He gripped her wrists, pinning them to the mattress, his emerald gaze burning right to her soul. She clutched his shoulders, pleaded for more, and cried out his name when a pent-up orgasm shattered her into a million exquisite pieces.

He covered her mouth, drinking her moans as his self-control stretched tight and broke. He thrust deep inside her with a rough shout, and another flood of sensations suffused Rory.

When Grant stilled, his breathing raw, he started to roll off her.

Rory tightened her hold on him. “Don’t go.”

“I’m crushing you.”

“In the best possible way.” She kissed his shoulder and stroked her hands over his slick, muscular back. “How long can you stay?”

“I have to be back by nine tomorrow morning. Ten, at the latest.” He shifted and pulled her into his arms. “I kept waiting for a time when I could stay longer, but finally I couldn’t take it anymore. If the only time I can see you is for a few hours on a Friday night, I’ll have to live with that.”

For how long?

Swallowing the question, Rory ignored a stab of unease. Two hours apart might be sustainable for some couples, but with their jobs and crazy hours…okay, stop. Grant was here now, and that was what mattered.

She stroked his chest and kissed his cheek before easing away to pull on a T-shirt. “That food smells amazing.”

“It’s from a Caribbean restaurant I read about a while ago.” He hitched on his jeans and joined her in the kitchen. “Much as I love cooking for you, I didn’t want to waste time doing that tonight.”

“Good call.” She nudged his hip with hers. “We have plenty of other ways to spend our time.”

Sitting at her kitchen table, they devoured the food straight from the containers, mostly using their hands and only a couple of napkins. Rory told him about her conversation with Brenda and the potential of the Principal Engineer position.

He gave her a smile of pride. “I’m not surprised they already want to give you a promotion.”

“It’ll be more work, but definitely an advancement.” She picked up the half-empty containers, sensing his questions aboutmore work. “Hey, you should get some rest.”

“I’m rested.” He slipped his arms around her from behind and nibbled her ear.
