Page 67 of Words of Love

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She fisted her hands in the front of his shirt and arched her body against his with an unspoken invitation. He ran his hands over her soft curves. Her nipples hardened against his palms. Heart hammering, he grabbed the hem of her nightshirt.

She broke away from him and lifted her arms to help him pull it off. The sight of her full, perfect breasts and rounded hips sent his pulse into overdrive. Pulling him back to her, she moved her hands under his shirt and stroked his chest. Her touch was hot and cool at the same time.

He lost all track of time and thought. She tugged off his shirt and track pants, and within seconds, her naked body was shifting and writhing against his, every movement firing his lust hotter. He forced himself to go slow, to take his time exploring every inch of her, from the hollow of her throat to the arch of her foot. She was so soft everywhere. Her fragrant skin was addictive, her sighs of pleasure like music.

At one point, she pushed him to sit up so she could straddle his lap and touch him in return, her hands gliding with eager curiosity over his chest and lower. When she enclosed his shaft in her warm fist, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He gripped her waist.


She kissed him. “Bedroom.”

They managed to make their way to her bedroom, and she stopped along the way to retrieve a box of unopened condoms from the bathroom cabinet.

“A practical but clearly unnecessary purchase.” Breathlessly, she pressed a foil packet into his hand. “Until now.”

He tumbled her onto the bed. He couldn’t get enough of her warmth and softness, the little moans emerging from her throat, the way she wrapped her arms around him as if she didn’t want to let go. By the time he put on a condom and urged her thighs apart, he was burning with need. With a groan, he eased inside her. She gasped, hooking her legs around his thighs as he sank fully into her heat.

She was heaven. He moved slowly until she matched his rhythm, and then they began rocking and thrusting together. Even through the hot, panting lust, Sam had a faint realization thatthismust be what it felt like to have wildfire in his blood and stars shooting through him. He’d never felt this kind of blinding intensity with another woman before.

He knew the instant Brooke started to come. Little ripples coursed through her body before building into a wave that wrenched a cry from her throat. The pressure sent him over the edge. He sank into her again and again before giving in to the explosive release.

Spent and exhausted, they fell back against the pillows.Clouds in his soul. A kaleidoscope of glittering colors. A woman curling up against him like a kitten.

He put his arm around her and pulled her closer, gliding his hand over her smooth, damp back. She eased across him so she was lying fully on top of him. He loved the position—her feminine weight on his body, her face so close that he could look into her eyes forever.

“Like I said…” she ran her finger across his lower lip, her expression soft, “you don’t need an education on the sexy stuff.”

He rubbed her ass. “But now that we’re dating, we get to go to the movies together and have a milkshake at the soda fountain?”

“That would be a start.” A line formed between her eyebrows. “When was the last time you went on a date? A real one, not one meant for educational purposes.”

He deflected a stab of unease over the idea of them dating only for “fun and research.” He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d been on a real date. He’d never really done the courtship ritual, which he supposed was just one of a thousand reasons he’d been failing so badly with Kane and Patricia’s romance.

“I guess that depends on your definition of a date,” he finally said.

“Like when you asked a woman out and then picked her up, brought her flowers, kissed her good night. That kind ofdate.”

“I don’t know. A couple of years, I guess?”

“I figured.” She patted his chest. “This is why you need a Romance 101 course.”

He frowned. “So where does sex fit into that? We’re just having fun?”

“Well…yes.” She lifted herself up to look at him, uncertainty rising to her eyes. “What else would it be?”

He couldn’t let his brain go towhat else.

“Right, because we’re not actually together.” He couldn’t stop the edge to his voice or the increasingly powerful feeling that he didn’t want to be with Brooke for the sake of a fictional romance. He wanted to be with her forthem.

But then what? He’d never be her epic romance, and she’d never settle for less. And not for anything would he make her promises he couldn’t keep.

She was still watching him, her lower lip caught between her teeth and her forehead creased. Shoving all his frustration down deep, he put his hand on the back of her head and drew her closer.

“Bring it,” he murmured. “I was a lousy student, but I’m all in for your class.”

He pressed his mouth to hers. Her body softened, her curves fitting so damned perfectly against him that the phrase “made for each other” came unexpectedly to mind.

He deepened the kiss and rolled Brooke onto her back, his desire sparking all over again at the sound of her throaty moans and the way she arched against him in a wordless plea. He trailed his mouth to her neck, licking the hot pulse at the base of her throat before easing down to her breasts. He stroked his hand between her legs, urging her thighs apart as he trailed his lips over her belly and lower.
