Page 103 of It'll Always Be Her

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“And what if the equilibrium becomes unbalanced?”

“Then it needs what’s called a restoring force to bring it back into balance. Like if a swinging pendulum comes to a stop and is back in a state of equilibrium, then gravity is considered its restoring force.”

“Mr. Newton knew what he was talking about,” Destiny remarked. “Really, it’s the same thing with Bee. And she’s always been very stable, so something else had to throw her equilibrium off, right?”


“I know what it was.”



Adam blew out a heavy breath. “I figured. So why did you call to tell me that?”

“Because I’ve also determined something else, which actually doesn’t have anything to do with you being Bee’s Juno sign.”

“What does it have to do with?” Adam asked.

“The way you look at each other.”

“Uh…” His brain fogged over.

Destiny gave a low chuckle. “Listen, honey, I’m the first to admit there’s more to OTLs than even the stars can divine. And although I still think your energies need serious untangling, it’s pretty clear that you and Bee did something for each other. And to each other, by the looks of it. Anyway, my point is that her chakras started spinning not long after you left town, so you need to help realign them.”

“Why me? And how?”

“That’s for you to figure out, honey. I can’t do all the work around here.”

She ended the call, and Adam slowly lowered the phone from his ear. As much as he’d dismissed New-Agey things like chakras and energy fields, he’d actually understood what she’d said about balance and forces. When applied to the physics structures in his mind, it made perfect sense.

But what did Destiny mean that Bee might do “something rash”? She’d made a big deal about reuniting a couple of ghosts on Halloween—so big a deal that she’d canceled her plans to come with him to DC—but that was just Bee being Bee.

She wasn’t rash. She was thoughtful, caring, and considerate, even about a couple of nonexistent entities who’d been in love well over a hundred years ago. She wanted to help people…and nonpeople. She loved Bliss Cove.

Despite her unstable childhood and lack of family—or maybe because of it—she’d made Bliss Cove her home. She helped people and animals who either didn’t have anyone else or needed someone right at the moment. She turned every meal into an event. The town—and its ghosts—were her family.

Was she even aware of that?

Gripping his phone, he went back to the kitchen. Laura and his parents were sitting at the table, finishing their breakfast.

“That wasn’t Bee, was it?” Laura asked. He shook his head.

“Who’s Bee?” His mother glanced at him.

“Just a…uh, friend.” He checked his phone notifications, as he’d done every ten minutes since leaving Bliss Cove. Still no message from Bee. Should he call her? What would he even say?

Why hadn’t he just told her before he left that he was trying to get the Gardenia House declared haunted because ofher? Yeah, it was a good story, but the show had told plenty of good stories over the years.

Ultimatelyshewas the reason he was taking a stand. Why hadn’t he told her that anything she wanted, he wanted too? That he would fight like hell to give her everything she wanted because he lo—

“Adam.” Laura’s forehead crinkled with slight concern. “You sure you’re okay?”

He lowered his phone. Tension ran down his spine. “I need to go back to Bliss Cove.”

“Okay,” Laura said. “When?”

“Right now.”
