Page 104 of It'll Always Be Her

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His father’s head shot up. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m going back to Bliss Cove.” A sudden urgency flared inside him. He pulled up the flight information on his phone and started booking the next flight out.

“You mean…right this minute?” Laura put down her coffee cup, a slight alarm rising to her eyes.


“Adam, don’t be ridiculous,” Helen said curtly.

“I’m catching the next flight out, Mom.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Bruce snapped. “You have important meetings today. Ones that could lead to potential interviews. You can’t leavenow.”

“I’m sorry, Dad.” Adam finished booking the flight and looked at his father. “I can’t make it to the meetings. I have to go.”

“What in the hell is the matter with you?” Bruce threw his fork on the table and pushed his chair back so fast the legs scraped against the tile. “I know you’ve had a shitty time these past few years, but this is your chance.”

“Possibly yourlastchance,” Helen added, her eyes narrowing. “If you must go back, then fly out tomorrow or later tonight after the meetings. You don’t have to go right now.”

“Yes, I do.” He yanked at his necktie. Though his parents’ anger was starting to sharpen and spear him like needles, the cloud was also lifting. He felt lighter.

“Adam, if you renege on the chances you’re being offered, then you’ll be walking out on your family.” Darkness invaded Bruce’s expression.

“That’s not what I’m doing.” His heartbeat started to increase. “It’s not what I want to do. But I’m going back.”

“Does this have to do with that show?” Helen asked sharply. “I thought you were trying to get away from it, not go back to it.”

“I am.”

“Then your father is right! You can’t just walk away from people who can open the door for you again.”

“Mom, I have to.” He started toward the stairs. “I can’t explain it, but I’m going.”

“Are you on some new medication?”


“Then as your father said, what the hell is wrong with you?” Helen snapped.

“Nothing.” He turned and faced his parents, his shoulders squaring. “And you bothknowthat. You know I didn’t do anything wrong. I was never at fault. Thornwall set me up, and I took the fall for the sake of this family. I don’t have anything to prove, and I never have…least of all to either of you. If you can’t acknowledge that, then you’re the ones walking out onme. I wanted nothing more than to fight the charges, but I didn’t. Instead, I changed my whole life to prove my loyalty to this family. To you. Now it’s your turn.”

He turned and went up the stairs to get his suitcase. No, nothing was wrong with him. With any luck, everything soon might be even morerightwith him.

As he grabbed his clothes out of the closet and threw them on the bed, Laura came into the room. She unzipped his suitcase and put it on the bed, then started folding his shirts.

“I’ll drive you to the airport,” she said.

“Thanks, but no need. I have the rental.” He pulled off his suit jacket and reached for a sweatshirt. “I’ll try to get back for the party, but I don’t know if I’ll make it. Or if they’ll want me to be there anymore.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She waved a dismissive hand and folded a pair of jeans. “You need to get back to Bliss Cove.”

Adam stopped. “You’re okay with me leaving?”

“Of course.” She opened the dresser drawer and started tossing his socks into the suitcase. “I’m a cardiologist, Adam.”

“What does that have to do with it?”

“I know a damaged heart when I see one.” She closed the drawer and tossed him a smile. “And you need to hurry up and fix yours before it breaks.”
