Page 63 of It'll Always Be Her

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Bee didn’t know what she liked better—catching glimpses of Adam throughout the day or being alone with him at night.

No, that wasn’t true. She knew quite well that she much preferred being alone with him, and she found herself glancing at the clock in anticipation of their third night together.

He seemed to be hanging around the main floor and circulation desk a bit more often than he had the past couple of days, and she experienced a little ripple of pleasure every time she saw him.

The pleasure was strong enough to mitigate her frustration over yet another problem with the house’s HVAC system, which she really didn’t want to tell the town council about right now.

However, Joe from Metalworks did report that the paint samples came back free of lead—thank heavens for that—though he also recommended that she test the paint in every room since they didn’t have records of the repainting and didn’t know if all the walls were done at the same time and with the same paint.

Another expense. Joe refused to charge her for the first paint sample, but she couldn’t let him test every room in the library for free. She’d just have to budget for it…somehow.

Or with any luck, she might be able to locate records of the library’s restoration projects over the years. She scheduled an appointment for Joe to return, then made a note to check the shelves where they stored the library’s paperwork and mission statement.

In midafternoon, Adam ordered another delivery of coffee and pastries for the crew and staff—and Bee even relaxed the rules and allowed everyone to bring their cups into the library as long as the lids were on securely.

She and Rebecca dug up Mad Scientist supplies from the basement and organized them on tables on the main floor since there wasn’t enough space in the conference room or children’s section.

Eight children and their parents showed up in response to Bee’s earlier newsletter announcement of a “Pop-Up Mad Scientist Hour!” and Adam guided them through experiments involving balloons, food coloring, baking soda and vinegar, shaving cream, and Jell-O.

Much squealing and laughter ensued. As Bee had expected, Adam was enthusiastic and patient as he demonstrated the experiments and explained the science in terms the children could easily understand.

Oh, she was definitely feeling things for him. Good things, like hope and attraction and something that was even stronger than “like.” More, she was letting herself feel them. Despite her warnings to herself about unlocking her emotions or getting attached to him, this felt different.

Maybe because she knew he’d only be here for a short time or because of their warm, respectful rapport despite their opposite life experiences and worldviews, or because of their sizzling attraction….or probably for all those reasons, Bee was finding it surprisingly easy to enjoy feeling soft, tingly, and hot about him all at the same time.

After the Mad Scientist Hour, he worked with his crew until the high schoolers arrived for their evening tutoring session. The students and the teacher, Lenora, waved him over to their table and greeted him with pleasure.

Bee watched as he joined the group and started helping the teenagers with their science and math homework. No wonder he’d risen to such prominence in his field. His education, intelligence, devotion to science, and natural teaching ability must have had dozens of research institutes and universities courting him.

Bee’s heart constricted a little as she turned back to checking in books. Although working on a top-rated ghost-hunter show was nothing to be ashamed of—despite what Adam and his family might think—she could understand why he wanted to get back into the “real” science field.

It was where he belonged. Not only did he believe in science but he also had the potential to be renowned for his work and research. He probably would be right now if he hadn’t been forced to resign.

Although Bee experienced a flicker of outrage on his behalf every time she thought of him being wrongly accused, she also recognized that he would never have come to Bliss Cove if he were still at the Electron Institute and MIT.

They would both still be living their own separate lives, totally unaware of each other’s existence. He wouldn’t know anything about Captain Marcus or Bee’s parents or Puffalump. She wouldn’t know that his laugh warmed her from the inside out, or that he loved sweet stuff, or that he was her Juno sign.

They wouldn’t know each other. At all.

Not sure how she was supposed to feel about that, she lifted another stack of books from the cart. She continued checking books in and out and helping patrons until Peter approached, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

“I’m heading out,” he said. “Adam’s still working with a few people, but he should be done soon.”

Bee placed a stack of books next to the computer. “Is he a regular tutor now?”

“For as long as he’s here, I hope so,” Peter said. “He’s great. I even brought in my chemistry homework today so I could get his help. He’s way better at explaining things than my professor is.” He paused and glanced back at Adam. “He said he used to teach at a university or a research institute?”

“He was at both.”

“Huh. He should go back.”

If only it were that easy. If a former MIT professor and research director couldn’t get a job as a high school physics teacher, then how would Adam ever get back into a top institution?

“Hi, Bee. Sorry I didn’t get this to you yesterday.” Edith from the Historical Museum came toward the circulation desk, carrying a large box.

Peter stepped forward to take it from her and put it on the counter. He waved goodbye and headed to the doors.
