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Bently stepped forward, his fists clenching. Rage burned him from the inside out.

“Stay back, lover boy, or I put a bullet in her,” Junior warned, his evil smile widening.

Belle groaned and reached for her head, coming to. He needed to find a way to get her out of here. But one false move and she’d be dead. He had to keep Junior talking.

Belle’s eyes fluttered open and she jolted upwards only to gasp and lie back down.

“Now the real fun can begin.” Junior chuckled.

“Bently!” Belle called, her confusion turning to panic.

A knot formed in his chest. “I know, baby. I’m here. You’re going to be okay.”

“I wouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,” Junior snapped, pressing the barrel of the gun to her cheek as she winced.

“I’m the one who killed your father. I’m the one you want. Point the gun at me.” Bently stepped closer to the bottom of the bed.

“So, you know who I am. Took you long enough.”

Bently risked another step closer to the window.

“Get up, bitch. You and I are gonna go somewhere a little more private,” Junior said, directing Belle.

She pushed to her elbows, but winced at the attempt of movement. She held her head and dry heaved.

“I said get up!” Junior yelled.

Bently’s fingernails cut into his palm as he restrained himself. He softened his voice. “Just do what he says, baby. You can do it.”

Belle’s eyes flashed to his—a mix of fear and trust reflected back. Her eyes darted to the door to his left. Her worried gaze conveyed her unspoken message.

Where is TJ? Did Junior do something to him?

Belle stood slowly on shaky legs. Her balance tipped as Junior climbed over the bed, one hand on her shoulder and the other holding the gun to her head. There was nothing Bently could do with the weapon pressed against her. It was too risky.

“Stand over there, Sheriff.” Junior motioned to the windows past the bed as he shuffled Belle towards the door. He couldn’t let them leave.

Junior stepped backwards, towards the hallway. “Tie yourself up with those zip ties on the bed.”

“Let her go and I’ll do whatever you want. Leave her out of this,” Bently begged.

“You took someone I loved. The only person who ever gave a shit about me. And now, you’re going to know exactly how that feels. I’m gonna start with her. Then I’m gonna go visit that pretty sister of yours.”

Bile rose in his throat. He’d done this. He’d brought this on his loved ones. No. No way was he going to let this boy destroy everyone he loved.

“I love you. This isn’t your fault,” Belle said as if reading his mind. This brave woman, facing death and still trying to ease his guilt.

“Your father cried like a fucking pussy before I put a bullet in him,” Bently snapped.

Junior glared at him. “You’re lying!” His hand wrapped tighter around Belle’s throat, squeezing.

Junior would leave bruises like his father had on Remy. Bently used the anger to fuel him on. “He tried to go after my family and he failed. What makes you think you’re going to do any better?”

The gun shook as Junior’s face reddened.

“You want to know what his last words were?” Bently pressed, stepping forward, willing the gun to aim at him rather than Belle.

“W-what were they?”
