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Jasmine jumped and swiveled around.

Atlas held up his hands. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Her cheeks reddened as she lifted her chin. Jasmine’s green eyes glinted in the sunlight and narrowed. “Did you need something?”

Wasn’t that a loaded question? If he wasn’t here for business, he might have given in to the dirty fantasies playing in his head. But he had a job to do. Sell me your inn probably wasn’t the best answer right now. Atlas cleared his throat. “Just going for a walk.”

Her gaze traveled down his dress pants to his bare feet. A triangle formed between her brows before one lifted higher than the other, as if she could see straight through his lie.

“Might want to roll your pants up at least. If you head to your left, you’ll find tide pools and rocks. If you just want sand, then right is your best option.” She picked up her mat.

“Thanks.” His throat was as dry as if he’d swallowed a bucket of sand.

Her loose-fitting T-shirt was so worn it was see-through. The pink bralette underneath did nothing to hide the stiff peaks of her breasts. He gritted his teeth and shifted, hoping she wouldn’t look at his crotch to spot his arousal.

Jasmine stood and walked towards him. “Have fun.”

He nodded, unable to take his eyes off her. There was something about her that was mesmerizing, like a siren from the sea. She licked her lips, making them glossy. Jasmine’s blush only grew deeper on her creamy white skin as he stared. His eyes flicked to hers, those almond-shaped spheres flashing with the attraction he recognized from experience, but it was tinged with something else. Fear?

He forced himself to move to the side so she could pass. The last thing he wanted was to scare her.

He didn’t allow his gaze to follow her ass as she walked inside. Instead, he pushed one foot in front of the other, turning right down the beach. The owner was hot and seemed like more of a challenge than he was used to. But he couldn’t afford to fuck this acquisition up over his inconvenient libido. But damn, this job had just gotten a little harder. She was gorgeous—there was no doubt about that. But there was more there beyond usual attraction. Why did he feel like a horny teenager again?

He shifted his cock in his pants. Once she found out why he was really here, she’d probably not want anything to do with him. He was using her, and eventually she’d use him for his money. Just like everyone else does.

Time toclear his head and come up with the next steps of his game plan. The Lighthouse Inn was as good as his, and then everything else would fall into place. His life would finally be perfect.
