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“This is Link. He’s my . . . um, he’s Link.” She certainly wasn’t going to ruin things and remind Link they had been raised as brother and sister. Friend didn’t seem right either. He was just Link.

“Right. Well, nice to meet ya, mate.” Roy held out a fist to bump with Link. When Link hesitated, she elbowed him in the stomach.

Link’s fist met Roy’s. “So, how do you two know each other?”

“Oh, we go way back. Dinna we, wildcat?” Roy smirked.

“Roy is Geo’s cousin. He helped us get some gigs here in Denver,” Emma explained. “How is Geo? Have you heard anything?”

“He’s cut me off too, lass. Your boys called here last week askin’ if I’d been able to get through to him. No such luck.” Roy sighed.

Emma crossed her arms in front of her and looked away. What is going on with Geo? Why is he closing everyone out?

Link’s palm pressed against her lower back, bringing her to the moment. She swallowed. “After we get home, I’ll see what I can do. Maybe if I show up at the prison, they’ll let me see him.”

“Worth a shot,” Roy agreed, flicking the lock on the front door.

Link shot her a questioning glance.

“He’s closing his shop for us.”

“Of course. Celebrity treatment for my rock star and her . . . Link.” Roy winked before turning away to the hall to the tattoo rooms in the back.

Link’s hand gripped her waist, walking by her side, seemingly in ownership. But that couldn’t be, because Link had made it very clear what this was and what this wasn’t. Maybe he’d changed his mind?

“Alright, Link, you’ll be with Tessa here. Her bedside manner is shite, but her lines are true. She’s got an eye for detail and knows how to make the color really pop on darker skin.” Roy motioned to the first area partitioned off with the gorgeous Black woman she’d met a handful of times. Tessa had done the music notes tattooed on her hip.

Tessa smirked. “Just admit it. I’m the better tattoo artist.”

“For fuck’s sake, I’ll never hear the end o’ this.” Roy rubbed a hand over his face in frustration. He walked away down the hallway, under the exposed wooden beams, before disappearing through the next doorway.

Tessa’s eyes followed him, glowing with humor. And was that attraction?

“All right, Link, was it? Where are we doing the design?” Tessa asked.

“Well, I wasn’t sure what—”

“Actually,” Emma interrupted Link. “I had Roy draw up my idea. I thought if you liked it, we could get matching ones in honor of Dad?” She held her breath, searching his face.

“What did you have in mind?” Link asked.

Tessa pulled out the image they’d sketched and printed. “I can size it to wherever you choose to get it. Or we can change something or add more details.”

Emma’s gaze traced over the image that Roy had emailed her this morning, hoping Link would love it too. The colorful red, yellow, and green with a lone black star of the Ghanaian flag took the shape of a wrench outlined in black.

Link’s swallow was audible. He nodded. “It’s perfect. I’ll do it here.” He pointed to the spot over his heart.

“Alright. Take your shirt off, and let’s get this stencil on you.”

Link tugged the hem of his shirt over his head, exposing the intricate gears and cogs and car parts inked into his skin. His abs clenched as he dropped his hands to his sides once again. Was there ever a more perfectly designed man? Her gaze snagged on the deep V leading into his light denim jeans.

“Where are you getting yours?” Link asked, drawing her attention to his knowing smile.

“Uh . . . guess you’ll have to wait and see,” she teased, needing to get her emotions back in check, and by emotions, her lady parts.

“Ready when you are, lass,” Roy called from next door.

“See ya soon.” Emma turned and headed towards the room Roy had all set up for her as Link’s deep chuckle sent butterflies skittering in her belly.
