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“Do I get to see it now?” she asked.

“What do I get in exchange?” he teased.

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” She winked.

He chuckled and gripped the end of his T-shirt, raising it over his head. His ab muscles tensed and flexed as he rid himself of the top. Her hand traced the defined ripples on his abdomen, up over his ribs to the black piece of gauze taped to his pec. Her eyes searched his for permission.

“Go ahead.” His low voice rumbled, his hot breath tickling the shell of her ear.

Emma peeled the tape, slowly revealing the work of art underneath. The raised skin in the shape of a wrench stood out in vivid colors of the Ghanaian flag against his dark brown flesh.

“Why here?” she asked, not taking her eyes off the design she’d come up with herself. Even though it was in memory of his father, she was honored he’d tattooed something of hers on his skin.

“I got it over my heart, because that is where I will carry him always.”

Her gaze met his. The impact of his choice hit her full force. “He would pretend to be so mad if he knew we got ink for him.” She laughed.

“You don’t think he would hate them?” Link asked, seemingly surprised.

She shook her head. “He’d secretly love it. He knows we only tattoo what matters most to us. As much as he hated the idea of us marking our skin, he always supported us. He’d always ask me about mine. Papa took an interest, even though he gave me a hard time about them. Was it the same for you?”

He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “He didn’t really say much about mine. Just gave one of his snorts of disapproval. A few comments about running out of room.”

She smiled, imagining her papa’s mannerisms. “He probably thought your choices were explanatory enough. Pretty straightforward with all the car parts and gears. I’m sure he didn’t need to guess. Whereas he had no clue what my flock of birds meant.”

He nodded, but doubt clouded his vision. “Your turn. Where did you get it?” His eyes scanned her body.

She stood, deciding he needed to laugh. She unbuttoned her pants and shimmied out of them.

“You took your pants off for Roy?” His growl sent a delicious possessive thrill through her. He sat, hands fisting at his sides.

Emma bit her lip. “What if I did?”

He didn’t answer her. Instead, his jaw flexed. His chest heaved in stuttered breaths as a war raged on his expression.

“Are you jealous?” she whispered, her smile faltering. If he was jealous, he wanted her for himself, didn’t he? Her heart fluttered in her chest. The ember of hope inside her glowed red.

“I just don’t like the idea of someone else’s hands on you,” he answered her through gritted teeth.

“Anywhere?” she asked.

His dark gaze met hers.

“What about here?” She pressed her hand to her breast.

A low growl was her only answer.

Sliding her hand lower, over her belly, and cupping her sex, she asked, “What about here?”

“Fuck no.”

She smiled, joy glowing in her soul. He wants me. Did he love her after all?

Bending over, she untied her Converse and slipped her feet out before climbing onto the bed next to him. She slid off one sock and then the other, revealing the patch of black covering the new tattoo. “What about here?” She peeled the gauze back, uncovering her new ink. “So I can take him with me wherever I go.”

He scoffed and pinned her to the bed, settling on top of her. “You did that on purpose.”

She shrugged, a wily smile curving the edge of her lips. “I like to push your buttons, make you crazy, see how far you’ll let me go.”
