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In the autumn of that year, Blythe and Dieter welcomed their son, Luther Caedmon into the world. Graf Dieter strutted around the manor house in Wolfenberg, proudly showing everyone his son’s maleness. The midwife trailed after him, objecting loudly.

A fortnight after the birth, Dieter had developed the skill of carrying his baby son belly down on his hip, much to the delight of all the devoted servants and seemingly Luther himself. Johann rode on his father’s back, laughing and giggling.

When the babe wailed his demands, Blythe took him to her breast. “This child is going to be ruined if you keep on this way.”

When Johann wandered off to play with his toys, Dieter watched his babe suckle at his wife’s breast. Contentment washed over him. Blythe adored the manor house in Wolfenberg as much as he did. He had another healthy son. If it was possible, he was more in love after the birth of their child. “You were born to be a mother, Blythe. You’re radiant.”

She gazed at her son. “I’m not sure yet whom he favors. Perhaps, when he grows hair we’ll have a better idea! He has your blue eyes, though my mother told me a baby’s eyes sometimes change color.”

“I hope his will change to the color of yours. Sometimes, I think they’re brown, sometimes green. You’re a woman of mystery!”

Gazing at his family had the predictable effect on his body. He stroked his son’s head and then trailed his fingers over his wife’s swollen breast. “Perhaps, when you’re done with Luther you can see to my needs? I know I can’t enter you yet, but there are other ways to—”

He looked at her speculatively, hoping she would not be shocked. He should have known better!

Her eyes twinkled and a suggestive grin lit up her face. “Dieter, you know I’ll always be ready to meet your needs in whatever creative way I can.”
