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“I’m not doing this, Malachi.”

He laughs. He laughs loudly and picks her hair up again, baiting me with the next hit he’ll give her. I step backwards, knowing there’s only two ways to stop this. One is leaving, the other engaging. I’m not doing the second option.

“Gray,” croaks out of her.

I ignore it and step backwards again. She’s made her choice. I’m not it, couldn’t be even if she did decide to leave with me. Maybe she’ll learn something here with Malachi, evolve past the maudlin place she’s in. My body turns, no last glance at her this time, and I walk out of the room. The scream that comes the moment my feet hit the hall sounds terrified. Not my problem. I stride on, listening to it ringing around the corridors, and try to stop the need to go back to her. No claim to stake. No life to offer. She’s on her own, having made her own decisions.

“Does it hurt?” Faith’s calm voice says from somewhere.

I half halt, looking for her, and then move forward again. I’m not being baited by her either. That’s all both of them want. They want to play with the only one that won’t be played with, fuck up another head until it doesn’t know right from wrong. She’s in front of me before I reach the main doors, still swinging her tail in her hand. “Falling for someone when you can’t have them must hurt.”

“Go away, Faith. Play with the children if you must.”

“But you’re more fun,” she says, closing the space down between us. “You must miss it. Touch. Taste.” Her gaze wanders down my chest, eyes eventually coming to a stop by my dick. “Fucking. It’s lovely. Do you remember it? You could fuck me, but you don’t want me, do you?”


I go to move, but she blocks me again and sways to her own imaginary music. “She’ll be breakable. And you know what Mal’s like where you’re concerned. Where’s your conscience, Gray? You brought her here. And now you’re abandoning her?”

She giggles and skips around me, swinging her tail so it hits me on the back, the thigh. Another scream rings out from the main lounge, this time filled with more fear than last time. “Why don’t you want to play with her? He’ll hurt her if you don’t appease him.” She pouts and pretends to cry. “Boohoo. Poor little, pretty thing.”

More tension fills me at the sounds coming from Hannah, more heat travelling through muscles to turn around and accept my own desires. My hand ends up shoving Faith to the side, head shaking as I keep moving. I’m not doing it. Any of it. Not with her. “You just need to touch her once. Put your fingers in her. Just show Mal that he’s won and then he’ll give up trying to taunt you into it. It’s only a game, Gray. Life’s such a lovely game,” she calls.

Hard soled boots turn out into the corridors behind me, scuffing and scraping sounding at the same time. More shouts of pain, more screams of terror. Probably as she’s dragged to one of his deranged rooms for amusement.

I stop, unable to take the sound of them any longer, and turn back in their direction. What the hell am I doing? I shake my head and keep my feet still. Nothing to do with me. This is her distraction, the one she’s just damn well crawled to Malachi’s feet for.

My own damned feet move of their own accord, towed towards the sound of the continued shouts of pain, and I keep striding. I’m not listening to it anymore, can’t. I don’t know why. My head’s an agitation of thoughts and sensations, all of them more involved in the sounds and feel of her than they should be.

Faith bounces as I pass her, clapping her hands together as if the funs just started. It hasn’t. I’m still not engaging in any of his taunts, but I will put a warning down before I go. I sneer as I rush the stairs, listening for more of Hannah. East, west? The sound of the continued noise crashes and echoes around the old halls, resonating and reverberating off the surfaces to make their direction impossible to find.

“Where’s he taken her?” I snap at Faith.

“Anywhere he likes,” she says, giggling still.

My hand grabs at her to shove her against the wall harshly, the other one joining in to show her the only language she understands. “Where?” She giggles again.

“Primitive, Gray. You must be delicious to fuck.”

I squeeze tighter, reminding her of the levels I like to watch even if I don’t engage in them. “Which room?” She squirms as the fingers grip in, her face beginning to screw up under the pain.

“Dungeon. Racks. Maybe a sauna. How I would I know?” Bitch. And she’s probably the only leverage I’ve got if Malachi’s that intent of having fun.

One hard pull and I twist her to me, winding her hair into my hand so I can show Malachi how he’s made me feel. She scuttles and scrabbles in my severe grip, hissing curses at me as I drag her towards their private dungeons. It winds me up more than the sound of Hannah’s distant screams still echoing, reminding me of what touch feels like, of density.

“You’re both idiotic to try this with me,” I snarl, focusing on the corridors I’m travelling through. Left, right, a corner more, and I finally find the stairs downwards. The sounds stop the second I reach the top of them, Hannah’s shouts suddenly gone. “Tell him to stop or I’ll show him what it feels like.”

She giggles under me and scrabbles for her feet again, not caring for my threat. “As if you know how to hurt anything Gray. You’re a voyeur. No one has ever seen you do a thing.”

I walk down the stairs, dragging her with me, and kick the door open at the bottom. “That should worry you more, not less.” The door flies inwards, dank air puffing back at me. “Rules don’t apply when you don’t care for them.”

The immediate sight of Hannah chained up on the rough, back wall halts me in my tracks.

I hover in the doorway, still gripping harshly to Faith’s hair, and shove her downwards beneath me. No bra. I stare, part shocked by the vison, and let my eyes caress everything on display for me. Thick, black buckles clasp around her wrists and ankles to hold her in place, metal latches securing them to the stone she’s laid against.

“Interesting threat,” Malachi says from somewhere in the room.

I don’t look for him, nor do I release the grip on Faith even when she squeals like a pig. I’m too absorbed in the beauty panting in front of me to care about anything. She gazes back, no fear on her face, and twitches. He must have given her something. Relaxant. Something to make the pain less severe.
