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Fraser was not the only one who was angry. Evanna reached down and tugged at his arm to indicate that he should stand up since she was not strong enough to lift him.

“Stand up,” she growled. “I am no’ goin’ tae stand here while ye listen tae yer pals tearin’ ye tae bits. They are jealous an’ spiteful an’ they are talkin’ rubbish. Go back tae my room.”

“I will go back when I am ready!” he protested, tearing his arm away from her. “I want tae hear what slander they are sayin’ about me.”

“An’ what good will that do except for makin’ ye feel worse?” Evanna asked angrily. “Come back tae the room.”

He sighed irritably. “I will come wi’ ye if ye tell me everythin’ that happened from the day ye found me until now.”

“I will, but ye know most o’ it already,” she pointed out, shrugging.

He turned and went upstairs before her, and once more she had a chance to gaze at his beautiful male body while hers throbbed with desire.What will happen tae me when he leaves?Evanna wondered. She could not bear to think of it.

They reached her chamber, and Evanna pointedly put her hand out for the key before he had a chance to make it disappear again. He slapped it into her hand and they sat down.

Fraser sighed. “I don’t know how ye managed tae get a fellow the size o’ me off a horse an’ into a hostelry without bein’ seen.” He gave a little disbelieving laugh.

“I had Lexie,” Evanna answered. “She is my right hand. I have no idea how I would manage without her.”

“Have you been keeping me a secret from everybody?” he asked, frowning.

“Everybody except Lexie,” she replied. “She is family.”

“Let me be clear about this,” Fraser mused. “Ye brought me here after ye found me an’ tended to my wounds? Ye could have left me there tae die.”

“We talked about this already,” Evanna said, puzzled. “Why do ye want tae do it again?”

“I want to find out absolutely everythin’ in the order it happened,” he said simply. “When I see Laird Gilchrist, I do not want tae be unsure o’ myself. What is yer full name?”

“Evanna Elizabeth Mulholland,” she replied. “An’ ye are on Mulholland land.”

He was quiet for a moment, then he said, “I need tae tell ye the truth, lass. I owe it tae ye. My surname is McLachlan, and I’m a warrior at the Gilchrist clan,” he explained.

“Thank ye for telling me that, Fraser. I appreciate it. However, I knew anyway,” she replied. “Ye had a standard on yer horse’s bridle, an’ ye talk in yer sleep.”

“What do I say?” he asked, frowning as he wondered if he had embarrassed himself.

“Somethin’ about ‘Rowan,’” she replied. “And ye mentioned Laird Gordon Gilchrist at some point. It was not that hard tae understand that.” She watched as his face clouded over. “Ye are very agitated an’ angry when ye say his name, an’ I usually have tae wake ye up, but likely ye don’t remember. Is he one of the men in the bar?”

“Aye.” Fraser’s voice was throbbing with repressed fury. “He is the one who tried tae kill me.” He pointed to his wound. “I suppose I will bear this mark forever.”

Evanna gasped, completely shocked. “My god! Ye mean we have a murderer downstairs?” She jumped to her feet, and her eyes were wide with fear.

“We do, but don’t worry, Evanna,” Fraser said soothingly. “His grudge is against me, an’ he will no’ attack anybody else unless ye go for him first. I don’t want tae be responsible for bringin’ trouble intae yer life any more than I have already, Evanna, so will ye let me stay wi’ ye a wee while longer? Will ye do that for me?”

Evanna thought that in that moment, lost in his blue eyes, she would have done anything for him. She wanted him to pull her into his arms and kiss her as a man kisses a woman, not as the fumbling stableboys and farmhands of her previous acquaintance had done. She somehow knew that he would be better at it. For a few seconds, she was so focused on his face that she forgot to answer his question.

“Evanna?” he asked again, waving his hand in front of her eyes, “will ye do it? Let me stay a bit longer?”

Evanna shook herself out of her daydream. “Yes, of course I will, but please don’t even look at those men while ye are here. It only takes a second for one o’ them tae get a look at ye an’ they will tear this place apart.”

“I know,” he said gently. “I will be very careful. I never thought I would ever be in this position, totally dependent on the mercy o’ another person. I am very, very glad that person was ye, Evanna. I owe ye everything. So ye will sleep in yer own bed tonight an’ I will be on the pallet on the floor. It is the least I can do, an’ ye deserve better than tae lie on this.” He nudged the pallet with his foot. “Ye are a very kind woman as well as a beautiful one.”

Evanna felt her cheeks grow hot. “Thank ye, Fraser.” Her voice was a murmur.

“May I kiss ye?” he asked, then he added hastily, “Just tae say thank ye.”
