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“Ye said it already,” she pointed out, but it was too late. Before she had a chance to say another word, his mouth was on hers, caressing it. His tongue swept over her lower lip, and the feel of his beard scratching against her soft skin made her whimper with sensual delight.

Evanna had never felt anything so glorious. She gave a little moan as the now-familiar pool of her arousal gathered between her thighs, then submitted to the ministrations of the first man who had ever kissed her properly.

Presently, she felt the tip of his tongue pressing against the entrance to her mouth as if seeking admittance. She opened her lips a little, and his tongue pushed gently into her mouth, first tentatively, then all the way as it began to stroke hers.

Evanna imitated him, running her tongue up and down the length of his, allowing him to teach her the sensual art of kissing.

He made a growl of satisfaction and pulled her even more closely against him. This woman in his arms felt like no other he had ever held before, and his body knew it. His manhood had stiffened, and there was a bed next to him, so close that he was touching it. He could simply fall onto it with her and obey what his instincts were telling him to do. But would she feel the same way? No, this was madness, he thought. She was still innocent in the ways of the flesh, and he could not take advantage of her like this.

Fraser drew away from her reluctantly, unwilling to separate from her but afraid of the consequences if he did not. “I am so sorry, Evanna,” he said, dropping his gaze to the floor in embarrassment. “I should no’ have done that.”

Evanna was rubbing her lips with her fingertips. They were still tingling and sensitive, and she wished that Fraser had not ended the kiss. She could have lain in his arms for hours.

“No need tae be sorry,” she said softly. “I enjoyed it.” She smiled at him. “It was my first proper kiss. I have been kissed before…but no’ like that. So thank ye, Fraser.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “My pleasure,” he said, dazed.

And he meant it.


Evanna whipped around and left, this time making sure to lock the door behind her. She was completely shaken. The feelings that were throbbing through her were like nothing she had ever experienced before, and she was stunned. She put her fingers to her lips as if by doing so she could feel again the soft, moist pressure of his mouth that had been so heavenly she had never wanted it to end. Surely nothing could be better than kissing?

And yet she had heard that there was so much more. She cursed herself for being so ignorant of these matters. She had always wanted to ask Lexie, but she had been a nun, although she had seen and dealt with many men’s bodies before. Evanna doubted that she had ever experienced the pleasures of the flesh herself, and she would not embarrass either of them by asking her.

She clattered downstairs, and her thoughts immediately went to her father. He was sitting in a chair by the fire, and she could see by the vacant expression on his face that it was not one of his good days, then her heart sank.

“Da,” she said gently, taking his hand and kissing it. “Should ye no’ be restin’?”

He looked at her blankly. “Who are ye?”

Evanna sighed patiently. “I am Evanna, Da. I am yer daughter.”

“My daughter?” He looked puzzled. “But ye are a woman. My Evanna is only a wee thing.” He leveled his hand with the tabletop to show her.

“I am all grown up now, Da,” she assured him, smiling even as her heart broke at the sight of her father’s sanity going to pieces in front of her eyes. “I will fetch ye somethin’ tae eat.”

The tavern was busy, not only with the men Fraser had told her about but with others who were enjoying breakfast and the regular customers who ate there every day. The last thing she needed or wanted was for Bruce Mulholland to go into one of his childlike temper tantrums while there were dozens of people there to witness it.

He, of course, would not be embarrassed because he would not be aware of it, but she would be, and it would be extremely bad for business. Who wanted to eat in a place where a madman was shouting the place down? And God knew what else he would do.

As well as that, now that she knew the quality (or lack) of the band of men in the tavern, she needed him to be quiet and stay still. Not one of them was wearing the uniform of Burntstane Castle, but Evanna knew the truth about them now. Their presence on Mulholland territory was not exactly forbidden, although it was a somewhat grey area. But any slight spark, even if very small, could start a major conflagration.

She went into the kitchen, where Lexie was stirring scrambled eggs in a pot. There were no mushrooms, which reminded her that she had not been out foraging for many days. She put a hand to her forehead and growled, angry with herself for being so remiss. The presence of Fraser had given her so much extra work that it had completely slipped her mind.

“Good mornin’, Lexie,” she greeted the other woman. “I am sorry about the mushrooms. I have no’ had a minute tae call my own these last few days.”

Lexie looked over and winked at her. “Don’t worry, Evanna,” she said kindly. “Handsome men will do that tae a woman.” Then she giggled, which was a most un-Lexie-like thing for her to do.

“It has nothing tae do with a man, handsome or otherwise,” Evanna said hotly. “It is just that I have been busy.”

“I know,” Lexie replied, grinning. “Looking after a handsome man.” She was wiping her hands with a cloth as she turned to look at Evanna. “I am not judging ye, my dear. I am asking ye tae be careful. This man is a soldier and not only that, but he has enemies. I would hate tae see ye squander yer love on somebody who cannot return it, either because he is callous or because he is dead.”

Evanna smiled and hugged Lexie, feeling the tall woman’s powerful arms wrap around her. “Ye know ye are the mother I never had,” she murmured. “I could never have grown up right if it was no’ for ye, Lexie.”

Lexie sighed and let her go. “And ye mean the world tae me, Evanna,” she murmured. “And if anything should happen tae ye, I do not know what would become of me, so be careful. Be very careful.” There were tears in the older woman’s grey eyes as she gazed at Evanna.

Evanna was astonished. Lexie was her rock, but she could not recall ever having seen her look so emotional before. “I will, I promise, Lexie,” she whispered, kissing her cheek.
