Page 15 of Love at Meg's Diner

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Hannah began by listing all the businesses that would have booths at the festival. Meg zoned out a little since most of what Hannah said she had already gone over with Hannah and Baylee when they’d met for coffee. She scanned the crowd again, stopping when she met Chet’s gaze. Even from halfway across the room, she could see the deep pools of ocean blue that now looked right at her. One side of his mouth lifted in a grin before he turned his attention back toward Hannah.

Meg’s insides flipped around, the granola bar she’d munched on as she’d walked to the Community Center now dancing around in her belly. What was it about him that got her so riled up? There wasn’t a lack of men who smiled at her in town, and when they did so, she felt nothing. Not a blip on the screen. But with mere eye contact and a smile, Chet caused her brain to scramble.

“I don’t know why you hold back, my friend.” Baylee’s whispered comment drew her from her thoughts.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” She slouched down in her chair and looked straight ahead.

Baylee’s body moved with quiet laughter. “Sure you don’t.” She looked in Chet’s direction then back again. “I can’t figure out what you have against gorgeous men who clearly have an interest in you.”

“Hey, you’re married.”

“I’m married, not dead. I can say if I find someone good looking or not. And you’re diverting us away from the point.”

“Which is?”

“It doesn’t take a genius to see that Fireman Chet has a pretty big crush on you.”

Meg rolled her eyes. “A crush? What, are we in eighth grade? And his first name isn’t ‘Fireman’ either.”

Baylee shrugged. “I just don’t see why you won’t go out with him. He seems like a nice guy and he’s clearly interested in you.”

“You know why.”

Baylee smiled at her.

A woman sitting in front of Baylee turned her head a bit and tossed a “Shhh” over her shoulder.

“We can talk about it later at dinner.” Baylee leaned close to Meg’s ear.

“No, we can’t,” Meg whispered back.

“And now,” announced Hannah, overpowering their whispers, “I want to introduce Rachel Anderson. She is in charge of the Miles for Mental Health Run and has some important information.”

“Shush. I’ve signed up for this so I have to listen.” Meg batted a hand at Baylee as if to swat her away, along with the conversation. She’d never been happier for a chance to avoid Baylee’s annoying nosiness into her love life—or at least the love life Baylee thought Meg should have.

The crowd clapped as Rachel took Hannah’s place at the microphone. “Thank you, Hannah.” She took a second to tilt the microphone down to her height. “And thank you to everyone for being here and also for signing up for the Miles for Mental Health Run.” She looked down at a clipboard in her hand and then back up. “I have a list of all of you who signed up to run. The fundraiser will begin a week from Monday and will go for the two weeks leading up the festival on October thirty-first. I have a link for all of you to go online and send out invitations to people to sponsor you per mile. The more miles you run; the more money raised for the Community Center’s counseling program. The online site makes it easy for people to donate as well as foryou to communicate with those who are giving. You can update them on your progress, and they can cheer you on.”

That sounded easy enough. Meg already ran every day, and she was mentally making a list of people she thought would sponsor her. It felt good to have a way to support her community without having to be overly social about it. It was the ideal scenario for her.

“Now, to add a little fun to the ‘fun-draiser’”—Rachel smiled at the pun, and everyone laughed—“I’ve paired everyone up with a running buddy.”

Meg sat up in her seat.Wait. What? A running buddy?That was the furthest thing from what she wanted. This was supposed to be good, wholesome running time, just her and the pavement. No music, no talking, no one else but her.

“It’s a great way to get to know others in town as well as encourage each other to maybe go an extra mile or two.”

“What a great idea. I really like her.” Baylee smiled as Rachel kept talking.

Meg shook her head. It wasn’t a great idea. It was a terrible idea. Her heart began to pound and her mind raced. How could she possibly get out of this now without looking suspicious?

“There is a large corkboard at the back of the room with a list of everyone who signed up. Your running buddy’s name will be beside yours. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, and thank you all again.”

There was more applause, but all Meg could think about was how fast she could get to Rachel and tell her she’d changed her mind. But what excuse would she give? Everyone knew Meg ran every day.

“Meg. The meeting is over.” Baylee and Casey stood beside her, waiting for her to stand so they could exit the row of chairs they were in.

“Oh. Right.” She stood but her feet felt heavy beneath her.

“Let’s go see who your running buddy is!” Baylee’s excitement only made Meg’s heart beat faster.
