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After all, she was allowed a bit of enjoyment for herself, wasn’t she?

“Alright.” Sophia turned and began to walk. “But you’d better keep up. I’m a fast walker.”

She heard him chuckle and then follow her through the trees.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, miss.”

Sophia didn’t respond to that, although she did find that she was smiling.

Chapter 4

“How do I look?” Aimee asked for the fifth time, going to the mirror by the door and checking herself. “Do I look beautiful?”

“You look fine, darling,” Lady Westbury said warmly, getting up from the settee and walking over to join her. “You’re going to make his eyes pop out of his head.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am. You’re my daughter.” The viscountess clasped Aimee’s hands. “You’re obviously going to be beautiful.”

Sophia watched as Aimee beamed and tried not to roll her eyes. She knew her sister was simply fishing for compliments; she knew she was beautiful, but she needed to hear it from other people. Especially her mother.

She looked back out the window. There didn’t seem to be any sign of a carriage yet. But it wasn’t quite four yet, so there was still time. Sophia hoped that Viscount Hawksworth and his son turned up on time; even though it wasn’t for her, Sophia liked things to be on time.

If it wasn’t, it really annoyed her, and Sophia didn’t like that feeling. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to sit off to one side and watch as her last remaining sister tried to find herself a husband.

It shouldn’t be too difficult, but Sophia did feel a slight pang of worry. Once Aimee secured a husband, she would be married and gone, although she probably wouldn’t be that far away if their other sisters were anything to go by. Then it would be Sophia’s turn. Given how much her parents had ignored her, it would be interesting to see what they did.

While Sophia wanted attention from her parents, she wasn’t prepared to be turned into someone she wasn’t, nor was she prepared to be forced into a marriage she didn’t really want. If she did end up considering marriage, she wanted to, at the very least, really like her future husband. She didn’t want to end up married to a boring, strict individual. There were limits, and Sophia knew her parents wouldn’t listen.

They were all about family reputation and connections. While it seemed that her brother-in-laws were very fond of their wives, it didn’t seem to be reciprocated. That was quite sad to witness, and Sophia felt bad for them. What was wrong with showing emotions that weren’t a part of what Society wanted? She considered herself a relatively calm person, but she could be passionate when she wanted to be. What was wrong with that?

“Penny for your thoughts, Sophia?”

Sophia looked up. Samuel Barclay, eldest son of the Earl of Kimbolton, was standing beside her, watching her with a slight smile. Sophia returned the smile.

“I was just thinking, that’s all. Not of anything in particular, if I’m honest.”

Barclay chuckled before sitting beside her, stretching his legs out in front of him.

“You’re always thinking. Every time I see you, there’s something turning over in your head. You are observing and keeping sharp.”

Out of everyone in her family, the only people who seemed to truly understand her were Katherine’s husband and their children. Sophia was pleased when Katherine managed to snag the eldest son of an earl, although she did feel sympathetic towards Barclay’s position; he truly cared for Katherine, but she was so cool towards him it was like they were strangers. Although that could be different when nobody was watching.

Sophia wasn’t about to find out. But she did like it when Barclay came to visit with his family; he was the one she could talk to about almost anything, and he didn’t judge her for it. Her other brother-in-laws were a little more restrictive with their conversations, but Barclay wasn’t. Katherine probably didn’t like it, but Sophia didn’t care.

She looked over at Aimee, now sitting with Amelia and Ellen. Their sisters were gushing over their youngest sister, and Aimee was clearly lapping it up.

“I’m just hoping this goes well for everyone involved,” Sophia said quietly. “I don’t want anyone to be upset with the final outcome.”

“I don’t think it will be upset. More like acceptance. It’s something we all have to do.”

“Was it like that when you married Katherine?”

Barclay smiled.

“Katherine and I love each other. You may not see it, but it’s there, and it’s strong.”

“Really? She’s come across as a rather cool customer since she came out. I was five when that happened, and I was sad when she suddenly regarded me like I was a fool.”
