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“Well, you’re not the same as you were this morning. Something’s definitely changed.”

Sophia could agree with that. They entered the maze, moving through the rising hedges. Sophia looked back towards the house, but Lady St Neots hadn’t moved from her seat. Even though there was nobody around, she still lowered her voice.

“Do you remember me telling you about that gentleman I came across who walked me over this morning?”

“Of course I do. I liked the fact there was a light I hadn’t seen before in your eyes.”

“There was nothing of the sort.”

Christiana laughed.

“There was. Deny it all you want; I saw what I did. Did you see him again?”

“In a manner of speaking. He’s Aimee’s potential husband.”

It took a moment before the words sank in. Christiana stopped and stared at her friend.

“What? Are you saying … this Mister Thomas Ford you mentioned being matched to Aimee and the gentleman you met on your walk are the same person?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“Did either of you say anything about it?”

“What? Of course not.” Sophia shook her head. “How do you expect us to explain how we met without a chaperone? Mother thinks I still go out with my maid.”

“I see your point.” Christiana peered at her. “So, how did you feel about it?”

“What do you mean?”

“You mentioned that you found him interesting and attractive. How did you feel seeing him talking to Aimee instead of you?”

Jealous. Upset. Angry.Sophia pushed those words away and shrugged.

“There’s not really much to say. I didn’t feel much except pity.”


“He and Aimee aren’t really matched. I can see their relationship not going well if I’m honest. They’re not compatible.”

“If it’s arranged, that wouldn’t matter, would it?”

“I guess …”

Christiana’s expression softened as she touched her arm.

“You know you can talk to me about it, Sophia. I won’t say a word to anyone if you’re upset about something.”

“I know.” Sophia turned away. “Just let me gather my thoughts before I say something. I want to get it clear in my head first.”

Christiana didn’t say anything, and Sophia was glad about that. Because she had been trying to get her thoughts in order since she left her house, and she was still confused about her reaction. It had never happened before, and she really didn’t like it.

Why was that happening? It didn’t make sense, and Sophia didn’t want to feel this. She just wanted to carry on as normal.

Hopefully, it was just a one-time thing, and she would be better in the morning. And it would be back to normal.

She was sure of it. Sort of.
