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“Have they been seen in public yet?”

“Not that I know of. This could be the first time.”

And Sophia still didn’t feel comfortable with it. It was annoying, a grumbling in her belly that wouldn’t go away. She tried to count to ten in her head to think about something other than her discomfort, but it didn’t help.

“Sophia?” Christiana was frowning at her. “Are you alright? You’re looking a little wan.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing.” Sophia managed a smile. “You don’t need to worry about it, Christiana. I’ll manage tonight.”

“You’ll manage?”

“It’s my family, remember? I’ve managed to cope with whatever life has given me so far. If I’m feeling uncomfortable with this situation, I will have to live with it.”

Christiana shook her head.

“This is not something you should be thinking about managing. If you’re unsure about something involving this evening, you should tell your parents.”

“They haven’t listened to me before. Also, I doubt they would be too happy with why I’m uncomfortable.”

“You mean about the private interactions you’ve had with Mister Ford and how you feel about it?”

“Something like that.” Sophia sighed and lifted her face to the breeze. “While they may treat me like I don’t exist, they’re not going to take too kindly to me going around without a chaperone. They’re going to be more upset with that.”

“Just as long as you don’t tell Aimee about meeting her future husband. She will think you’re sabotaging things for her, and she will make it very difficult for you.”

“I know that. I’ve lived with her for years.”

And that hurt to know Aimee would retaliate should she find out about Sophia and Mister Ford meeting without witnesses, albeit not deliberately. Ever since she came out, her sister had changed.

She would never have done that before. There were moments when things were at their most tense when Sophia lamented about the loss of her closest sister. Aimee had been much like Christiana, and they shared everything. Now it was like living with a stranger.

How had she ended up with a family like hers? It didn’t make any sense.

“Oh, look, they’re coming now.” Christiana pushed off the wall and pointed down the driveway towards the road. “I think that’s the Marquess of Cambridgeshire’s carriage. He’s come quite a way tonight.”

Sophia looked. Sure enough, it was the marquess’ crest on the side. It was no surprise that he had been invited; Viscount Westbury had been trying to ingratiate himself with the man for a long time, so he invited the marquess whenever he could. Sophia wasn’t about to question his motivations; she would probably still not understand at the end of it.

It wouldn’t be long before more guests started turning up. And then Sophia would have to watch Mister Ford interact with Aimee. Which was going to make her wish she was somewhere else.

Not for the first time, Sophia wondered what was wrong with her. She didn’t understand why she felt off about Aimee’s future marriage plans. It didn’t make sense why this was affecting her so much. Sophia didn’t want to feel like this.

Hopefully, seeing Mister Ford and Aimee together would stop her strange emotions, and Sophia would be able to put things behind her. Because she knew it would be really difficult in the future if they stayed, and she had to watch Mister Ford marry someone who Sophia believed was not suitable for him at all.

Their match was going to be a disaster. Her gut was sure of it.

Chapter 7

Thomas tried not to wriggle about as the knot in his stomach grew. He had managed with balls before, and he had certainly been to bigger social engagements, but this one was different. He would be one of those at the centre of attention.

He and his intended bride.

“Thomas, would you stop it?” Edwin dug an elbow into his ribs as Thomas shifted. “Every time you do, the carriage rocks you into me. I’m practically squashed up against the wall.”

“Oh.” Thomas shifted away, giving his brother space. “I didn’t notice.”

“I could tell,” Edwin grunted. He rubbed his shoulder. “It’s a good thing we’re not travelling with our parents. We really would be squashed in.”

Sitting across from them, Pierce laughed.
