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“I don’t know. She walked away from me, and then she disappeared.” Pierce shrugged. “I’m sure she’ll come back into view shortly.”

Thomas didn’t know about that. He wasn’t comfortable about Pierce latching on to Sophia, not if Pierce’s interest was as strong as it looked. His expression said he was impressed.

Thomas didn’t want his friend to be impressed like that.

And he needed to sort himself out. Finding himself jealous of his friend over a woman was ridiculous. Especially when he was meant to be engaged to Aimee.

Then Thomas spied Edwin with Sophia’s friend. Christiana Hales, wasn’t it? They were just beyond the doors, looking deep in conversation. Thomas hadn’t seen his brother like this for a while. He headed over, and Edwin turned, giving him a smile and a nod.

“Thomas. How are you enjoying your company?”

“I’m not going to answer right now, Edwin. Have you seen Sophia?”

“Sophia?” Miss Hales frowned. “Why do you want to know where Sophia is?”

“I just saw her with my friend, and he’s not exactly the most … interesting person to be around. I want to know she’s alright.”

Miss Hales looked like she didn’t believe him. But Edwin was pointing towards the door leading outside.

“I believe she went outside for a moment. She did look rather flustered. It is rather warm in here.”

“Well, Pierce is still inside, so I suppose she’s safe for now.” Thomas squeezed his brother’s shoulder. “I’m just going to take a moment, and then I’ll be back with everyone.”

“Of course.”

“What?” Miss Hales looked even more confused. “Take a moment?”

Thomas exchanged a look with Edwin. How did anyone say they were going to the women’s equivalent of a powder room? Edwin waved him away.

“I’ll explain as best that I can. Off you go.”

Thomas left the room, waiting until he was out of sight of the guests. Then he made his way through the house until he found a door that led outside. The cool evening air hit his face, and Thomas took a moment to soak it up. The sun had set a while ago, leaving everything in darkness. It was hard to see anything on this side of the house.

He headed around the back and onto the terrace. The lights from the huge windows illuminated most of the slabs, almost reaching to the edge where it went down onto the grass. That was where Thomas saw a movement just out of sight, heading onto the lawn. He was sure he saw a skirt. Was that Sophia?

He knew this was a bad idea. He should be going back inside and keeping a distance between them, especially when they were going to be alone. But Thomas couldn’t let Sophia go away from the rest of the guests alone. She was going to end up getting into trouble. And what if Pierce decided to follow her? If they were caught, that would be bad for their reputation. In a situation like that, there would have to be a marriage.

While Pierce was his friend, Thomas didn’t want to see that happen. He didn’t really have much respect for women once he’d had his fun, and Sophia deserved better.

You are very invested in someone you are not going to marry. Why can’t you put this strength into your relationship with Aimee?

I won’t know the answer until I come across it.

Glancing towards the windows – the dining room had a wide view of the terrace, Thomas sidestepped and went into the shadows, keeping away from the light. If someone saw him now, they would question what he was up to, especially given that he was meant to be around Aimee and stay at her side.

He should be remembering his duty and going back. But Thomas couldn’t. Not until he knew it was Sophia and that she was alright. He had to look her in the eye and be confident that she was safe.

If you could put this much concern into your future bride, then you would be doing it right.

Thomas pushed his thoughts away and started crossing the darkened lawn towards a huge oak tree near the greenhouse. It was very old, looking huge, with its branches wide above his head. The shadows were even darker underneath, almost black, and Thomas had to strain his eyes to look.

There was a movement there; he was sure of it. But was it an animal or Sophia herself?

“Miss Sophia?” Thomas ducked his head to avoid the lower branches, squinting into the dark. “Miss Sophia, are you there?”

He heard a slight gasp, then a rustling of clothing, stopping him. That was definitely not an animal. Whoever it was seemed to be looking for a place to hide.

Was Sophia scared of him? Then again, they were on their own out here. He had gone right over the line. If he were a proper gentleman, he would leave.
