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“Oh! That’s Baron Beauchamp’s home.” She peered at him curiously. “You’re a friend of his?”

“My father is. They have something called a standing invitation, where either one can just turn up to visit for as long as they want, and they will be welcomed with open arms.” Thomas shrugged. “It’s something that’s come from their younger days. I don’t ask questions.”

“I see.”

They stared at each other for a moment. Then Thomas noticed her notebook still on the ground. Stepping towards the base of the tree, he noticed that she moved back from him again. Was she nervous about him? Thomas didn’t want her to be scared of him.

Then again, if she were a servant, and she now knew he was a member of the ton, she had every right to be nervous. There were certain protocols to follow, and everyone was scared of putting a foot wrong; Thomas had been doing it all his life, so he understood.

He picked up the notebook, snagging the pencil as well. Then he perused the pages. She seemed to be drawing small bits as if putting them aside for later. She had drawn roots, flowers, even a twig. The attention to detail was extraordinary. Thomas had only ever seen this from people training to become artists. Women were not permitted by law, but it was clear from what Thomas saw that women were just as good as men.

“These are good.” He glanced up at him. “Do you draw in your spare time?”

“I …” Her cheeks went even redder, and she chewed her lip. “You could say that. I like to draw and paint.”


“My parents tell me it’s useless and that I should find something more worthwhile to do. But I just love to draw.” She held out a hand. “Can I take my notebook, please?”

“Oh. Of course.” Thomas handed it over, along with the pencil, trying not to jump when she almost snatched both away. “You should go to the royal art academy. You would be able to rival any of the men there.”

“The only women permitted inside who aren’t servants are prostitutes who are the models. And while women get paid better than men for posing as a model, it’s considered shame money.” She didn’t look at him, hugging the notebook to her chest. “I’m not prepared to shame myself into becoming a model.”

Thomas hadn’t realised that the models posed with no clothes on. Now he had an image of her posing naked, lying out on cushions while several men sat around sketching her. Feeling his face going red and something tightening in his breeches, he coughed and partially turned away.

“I … I suppose that’s my cue to leave.”

“You don’t have to …”

“I should. People would get the wrong idea if they came upon us. Besides, I don’t want to keep you.” Thomas gave her a bow and a smile, which seemed to make her blush even more. “Good day, miss. And good luck with your drawing.”

“I … thank you,” she murmured faintly.

Knowing that he should walk away now before he was unable to, Thomas turned and started to make his way back towards the path he had taken into the woods. If he had stayed any longer, he would have ended up staring at the girl, and then it would have turned into an awkward situation for them both. Thomas didn’t want to ruin it by prolonging his stay.

Although he would like to see her again. Even if it was just to get her name.

Chapter 2

Sophia wandered back to the house in a daze. She had been so stunned by that gentleman’s arrival that she couldn’t concentrate on her sketches. Instead, she decided to go back to the house and sit in her studio, wondering what had just happened.

Normally, there were very few people who came across her. Sometimes a farmer looking for a sheep that had run off or someone who had got lost. Even though most of the woods were for public use, because of her father claiming a bit of it, others tended to keep their distance so they didn’t get into trouble. This was the first time Sophia had met a gentleman in such a way.

And he was certainly a gentleman from the way he dressed. The cloth his breeches and jacket were made out of was clearly expensive. Not one of the most expensive fabrics Sophia knew about, but close enough. He came from a wealthy family, and the way he held himself said a lot about him; he was confident about his status in the world and didn’t care what people thought.

Even with that, he was very kind. Sophia noticed how gentle he was with her, and how respectful he had been speaking to her and handling her notebook. He thought she was good at drawing?

Sophia hadn’t shown her pieces to anyone except her family and the household staff, and it was only in passing whenever they came into the studio. While the servants praised her work, her family rolled their eyes or said it was alright in a flippant tone. Sophia hadn’t known whether to believe them or not.

But with this man, she believed him when he said her work was good. It left her both stunned and feeling warm inside. Butterflies had woken up and fluttered about her belly, leaving Sophia unsure how to behave.

Then again, that might have something to do with how good-looking he was. Sophia was considered tall by society’s standards, and she was often on a similar level when it came to looking gentlemen in the eye – something they were all uncomfortable with – but he was far taller than that. Sophia had actually needed to tilt her head back to look at him. Curly black hair went with the square jaw, the light brown eyes that twinkled when he looked at her, the soft-looking mouth that seemed very easy to smile … he certainly looked a fine figure of a gentleman. Even with the slightly sticky-out ears. It just seemed to accentuate his features.

Sophia felt like a fool for how she behaved. She couldn’t recall saying anything embarrassing other than going on about artists’ models being naked. That was definitely not something she should know about. Thankfully, the gentleman didn’t say anything about it. He probably wasn’t aware of it, so it couldn’t be that embarrassing.

It was a shame she hadn’t found out his name. Then again, if he was staying at Baron Beauchamp’s residence, maybe she could find out who he was; Diane’s brother worked there as a footman. Maybe he could tell her who the gentleman with the sticky-out ears was.

Who knew that something like that would be attractive?
