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“With his reputation? I’m sure you’re aware of it.”

Diane tilted her head to one side.

“You don’t think even rakish men can change and want to settle down?”

“I don’t know about that. It makes me a little uncomfortable knowing he’s focused on me, if I’m honest.”

“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Her maid smiled and clasped Sophia’s hands. “He’s going to be very charmed by you once he gets to know you. I know he will.”

Sophia didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t want to upset Diane by saying what she thought. Sighing, she turned and left her bedchamber, heading downstairs. Voices were coming from the drawing room. Sophia slowed. Why the drawing room? At this time of day, everyone would be in the morning room. It was lighter in there as well. Why were they all in the drawing room?

Sophia entered the room and found her mother and sister sitting on the settee. Mister Shore was sitting across from them, his back to the door. Sophia could only see the back of his head.

Then she saw the huge bouquet of flowers on the table by the window. They certainly hadn’t been there before, that much Sophia was sure about. They were beautiful, but the size of the bouquet was a little intimidating.

Lady Westbury saw Sophia first, which had her sitting up.

“Sophia, dear, there you are! We were beginning to wonder where you were.”

“Mother,” Sophia said faintly, turning when she saw Mister Shore standing up. “Mister Shore.”

“Miss Sophia.” He gave her a warm smile and approached her, taking her hand and bowing over her. “You do certainly look as lovely as you did the night before.”

“I … thank you.”

What was she supposed to say to that? Sophia didn’t think she had looked any different the night before. She just wore a different dress. Swallowing, she gestured at the flowers.

“I take it this is your doing, sir. We don’t have flowers like that in the garden.”

“I did. I hope that you like them.” Mister Shore cleared his throat. “I wasn’t sure which ones would be the best for you, so I asked for a few.”

He had asked for more than a few. Sophia went over and inspected them. She was well-versed in the language of flowers and what they meant. Mister Shore had bought her camellias, white lilies, and burgundy zinnias. Meaning perfected loveliness, purity of heart, and lasting affection. And a lot of each of them.

A slight huff had Sophia glancing over. Aimee was still seated, wrinkling her nose at the flowers before turning away with her nose in the air. Was she actually jealous? Sophia was shocked to feel a slight thrill through her body, knowing that Aimee was jealous. That was unkind, but after the way her sister had behaved towards her, it felt almost serendipitous.

Turning to Mister Shore, Sophia gave him a smile.

“They’re lovely, thank you. But you don’t need to get me so many flowers. Just one small bouquet will do in future.”

“Of course,” Mister Shore said quickly. “I just didn’t know what would go down well with you. I have no idea what your favourite flower is.”

“I like daisies the most. You can’t go wrong with those.”

He smiled, the smile reaching his eyes.

“I will remember that next time.”

It was partially the truth. Sophia did like daisies, but she preferred pink carnations the most. However, the meaning of those flowers was far more intimate than those of daisies. She didn’t want to give Mister Shore any ideas and have him deliver her pink carnations.

She looked at Aimee again, who was still sitting with her nose in the air. She didn’t look happy at all. Sophia bit back a smile. She shouldn’t feel like this, but she couldn’t help it. It was going to be a while before Aimee received flowers like this in the future.

I wonder if Mister Ford would give me daisies and carnations.

Why are you thinking about that? Don’t be pathetic.

Lady Westbury beamed as she stood up.

“It’s such a lovely day, and we don’t want to be stuck inside all morning. Why don’t we go onto the terrace and have tea?”
