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“Of course I do. Your parents always invite their neighbours.”

“Well, they’ve also invited Mister Ford and his brother, Mister Edwin. They’re going to be here any moment.” Christiana was starting to bounce up and down on her toes again. “I want to be sure I don’t look like a fool when they arrive.”

Ah. Now Sophia understood. Edwin Ford was all Christiana had spoken about in their interactions since that ball a week ago. Whenever Sophia tried to divert the conversation away and talk about something else, somehow Mister Edwin cropped up, and Christiana went all dreamy-eyed and pink-cheeked. There was no doubt that she was affected by the young man. Sophia could see why; he was a handsome young man with a nice smile.

Not quite like his brother, though. Thomas is certainly the better-looking one.

Not now! Don’t think that!

“I understand now.” Sophia sat up and shifted to the edge of the bed. “You want to impress Mister Edwin Ford.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“How long have I known you, Christiana? Besides, you’re not exactly subtle about it.” Sophia watched as Christiana’s cheeks became pinker, almost the same colour as her dress. “If you carry on like this, it’s going to be more than a little obvious that you are more than a little affected by Mister Edwin Ford.”

“But I can’t help it, Sophia!” Christiana pressed a hand to her chest as she approached the bed and collapsed onto the mattress next to her friend. “When I saw him, I felt something here, where my heart is. It was like everything slowed down, and it was just the two of us. We didn’t leave each other’s side all evening, and I don’t think I’ve had a better night. No offence by the way,” she added quickly.

“None taken.” Sophia shook her head. “I’m guessing you’re very charmed by him, then.”

“You haven’t figured it out yet?”

“I think I guessed it when I saw you two having not parted ways after I got back from my walk outside. And from the way you won’t stop talking about him, either.” Sophia sighed. “Honestly, anyone would think you were in love.”

“Maybe I am. I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“You do realise it’s just a new face you’re interested in. There’s no such thing as love at first sight.”

Christiana snorted.

“Of course, you would say that. You don’t believe in it.”

“Given the family who raised me and what I’ve had to deal with in my life, can you blame me?”

“You have a point. But that doesn’t mean nobody else can believe in falling in love so quickly. And I believe that is happening to me.”

“What happens if it isn’t reciprocated? What if Mister Edwin Ford doesn’t feel the same way about you?”

Christiana pouted.

“You have an uncanny ability to make people feel bad about themselves when they’re in a good mood, Sophia. I don’t know how we’re friends after all these years.”

“Because you love me. It’s very easy for you.”

Christiana groaned and swatted Sophia’s knee. Then she stood up.

“Come on. We’d better go downstairs. The guests will be arriving soon, and Mother wants me to be there from the beginning to greet them.”

“You go on downstairs. I’ll join you shortly.”

“Are you sure?”

Sophia managed a smile.

“I’m sure. I want a few minutes before I go downstairs, especially after what you said.”

It took a moment for her friend to understand. She grinned.

“Ah. I see. You want to be composed for when Mister Thomas Ford comes into the house accompanying your sister.”
