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“I wish you wouldn’t make it as salacious as that.”

“Well, I find it amusing that the first gentleman you’ve taken a proper interest in happens to be engaged to Aimee.”

Sophia groaned.

“It’s not amusing, Christiana. I would rather be happy and content alone than have something close to interest for a man who’s about to be my brother-in-law. It’s certainly not proper.”

“There’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, I think it’s quite endearing.”

“How is this endearing?”

“Because you’ve actually found yourself in love.”

Sophia’s mouth fell open.

“What … you … I’m not in love! Why on earth would you say that?”

“From the way you falter when you speak of him, from the way you blush.” Christiana giggled. “And from the way you talk about him whenever he comes up. If you’re not in love, you’re certainly very close to it.”

Sophia didn’t know what to say to that. But she was adamant that she wasn’t in love. That wasn’t what was happening here. True, she did find Mister Thomas Ford attractive, but that was it. She wasn’t affected like that by him.

She glared at her friend.

“You really need to stop pushing your ideals about love onto other people. You know I don’t really believe in any of that.”

“You mean you don’t believe in love.”

“I just said that, didn’t I? True, I’m taken by Mister Ford, but he’s going to be marrying my sister. He’ll be my brother-in-law soon. That’s it.”

“Oh, really?” Christiana looked unconvinced. “Something tells me you’re not going to be so happy about that once Aimee and Mister Ford get married.”

Sophia scowled.

“Look, just because you’re about to fall in love doesn’t mean everyone around you is going to do the same. It’s certainly not going to happen with me.”

“I think it will. If not with Mister Ford, then maybe Mister Shore.” Christiana winked. “He seemed quite taken with you, and you two have been in each other’s company once since the ball.”

“Mister Shore doesn’t see me like that.”

“Are you sure? I know he’s also been invited tonight.”


“My parents are trying to ingratiate themselves with Baron Beauchamp and having a son who’s close to our age is something they’re trying to work in their favour by befriending him.” Christiana spread her hands. “I’m not about to ask about their motives. I just go along with it, provided they don’t involve me too much.”

Sophia didn’t know what to say. She wouldn’t mind Mister Shore being present, but she wasn’t interested in interacting with him too much. She was only here because Christiana had invited her personally, and Sophia couldn’t say no to her closest friend.

“I don’t think Mister Shore will pursue anything further, Christiana. He’s only been to see me once, and that was the morning after the ball. It’s been a week now, and I haven’t heard anything from him since. That says he’s not really interested.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that. From what I heard, he’s been in London dealing with a couple of things.”

Sophia frowned.

“He never told me that.”

“Maybe it wasn’t confirmed until after you saw him. Either way, you have plenty of time to catch up tonight with him.”

Christiana looked convinced, but Sophia wasn’t. She didn’t really want to be put on a pedestal for people to look at. And it felt like that was what would happen once she went downstairs.
