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“Just let me go, Thomas. Please.”

Not how he wanted to hear her say his name, but Thomas released her. Sophia staggered back, touching her fingers to her mouth. She looked a little dazed. Then she looked up at him, her expression shocked. She started shaking her head.

“No. We shouldn’t have done this.”


“You’re marrying my sister. I shouldn’t be doing this.”

Thomas snorted.

“You can’t assume that it’s going to happen.”

“It will. I know it will. And once she finds out that I’ve kissed you …”

“That’s none of her business.”

Sophia looked miserable as she backed away.

“I can’t, Thomas. I … I just can’t.”

Thomas watched her run off, almost stumbling over her skirts as she reached the door. He wanted to go after her, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t help. He didn’t want to cause a scene and have someone find them.

He would have to back off and leave Sophia alone. But that was going to be easier said than done.

Thomas had known things were going to be tough before. Now he had kissed her and tasted her sweet mouth, and Thomas knew he wouldn’t be able to keep away anymore.

And that was a bad thing, given the circumstances.


Sophia really didn’t want to be here. She glared at the back of Aimee’s head, grimacing as she heard her laugh at something Thomas had just said. How could she be so carefree, thinking she had everything? And how could Thomas interact with Aimee knowing he had done something wrong?

God, she was so messed up that she was unable to think of Thomas as Mister Ford now.

Why did her mother insist she was the one who chaperoned her sister to the park in St Neots? Why did nobody listen to her protests that she wanted to stay at home? Sophia had tried to say she wasn’t feeling well, but it didn’t work. Nobody was listening to her.

All she wanted to do was hide away in her room and not come out.

This was embarrassing. She had done a very bad thing last night. She had allowed her sister’s future husband to kiss her. And Sophia had enjoyed it.

That was what made it worse. It had felt really good to be kissed by him, almost like it was the most natural thing to do. Thomas was really good at kissing, and she melted in his embrace.

Until she remembered who he was and that what she was doing was very wrong. Sophia wanted to get away and hide so nobody would guess what had happened, but none of her family was letting her. She was being pushed into Thomas’ company just a day after their kiss.

And Sophia felt like she was trapped.

What had she done?

Aimee and Thomas crossed the bridge from the main streets, heading towards the park. Sophia tried not to drag her feet as she followed. She saw Thomas glance back at her, but she averted her gaze. She did not want to look at him.

If she did, it would be too much.

“Lady Sophia?”

Sophia turned and saw Pierce Shore walking towards her. Part of her wanted to ignore him and just continue after Aimee, wanting to be alone. But then she thought about Thomas and how nauseating it was to see him with her sister after what happened. Was he thinking about the kiss as well?
