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“I hope I can be more than that to you someday, Lady Sophia. I do like to make women smile.”

Sophia didn’t doubt that. She knew she was naive regarding the opposite sex, but she liked to think of herself as wary. And realistic. Men like Mister Pierce Shore would lose interest in her after a while and then move on to someone more receptive.

Then Sophia could get back to her original lifestyle. It wasn’t what her parents wanted, and it wasn’t the one she had planned when she was a little girl, but if it meant she had just a bit of independence, then Sophia would take it. She wasn’t about to be moulded into a position she didn’t care for.

Although there is one person you wouldn’t mind doing it for.

No. Not even him.

The two crossed the bridge, only to find Aimee and Thomas waiting for them. Aimee looked annoyed, her hands on her hips as Sophia and Pierce came into view.

“Honestly, Sophia! I don’t know how you could wander out of sight like that. You’re supposed to be my chaperone, not the other way around.”

“Forgive me, Lady Aimee,” Mister Shore responded before Sophia could say anything. “I’m afraid that was my fault. We just got talking and almost forgot about everything else.”

Sophia noticed that Thomas was glaring at his friend, his expression unhappy. She ignored him, watching as Aimee faltered before putting a smile on that didn’t reach her eyes.

“I’m sure you needn’t have bothered, Mister Shore. My sister isn’t the best when it comes to conversation.”

“On the contrary, I find Lady Sophia rather enlightening. She’s very … astute.”

Aimee faltered, and Sophia had to fight back a smile. Her sister didn’t like knowing that Sophia had the attention of someone. It all had to be on her when she was in the room. But Aimee recovered very quickly, and with a brighter smile, Aimee approached Mister Shore and took his arm.

“How about you have an enlightening conversation with me, Mister Shore? I would like to hear your opinion on a few things.”

“I’m all ears, Lady Aimee.” Mister Shore gently moved his arm away. “But, if you don’t mind, I’m escorting your sister. She shouldn’t be walking alone, even as a chaperone.”

“Oh, Thomas can walk with her, won’t you, darling? See, now she’s not alone.” Aimee all but pulled Mister Shore away. “Come along, Mister Shore.”

Glancing back at Sophia with an apologetic look, Mister Shore allowed Aimee to lead him away towards the park. Sophia watched them go, feeling her annoyance building. Aimee was just impossible.


Sophia turned, her heart racing when she saw Thomas standing behind her. His eyes moved over her face, briefly resting on her mouth. Sophia’s mouth went dry. Why did she want to drag him close to kiss him again? That was definitely not appropriate, especially given they were in public.

Not to mention who he is to Aimee. She’ll be more than furious.

“May I escort you?”

She knew she should be refusing and keeping her distance, but Sophia found herself nodding. She was silent as she took Thomas’ offered arm, keeping her head bowed as they started walking. God, if someone looked at them now, they would see how much she was blushing.

“I apologise for my sister,” she mumbled as they followed Aimee and Mister Shore, who seemed to be laughing over something. “She is … well, she’s very imposing.”

“I know. Pierce can take care of her. He knows how to look interested when someone’s talking to him.” Thomas paused. “That was a bit callous of me. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“I’m not going to say anything.” Sophia didn’t look at him. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for you and me to be in the same company right now.”

“You mean after last night?”

“You know what I mean, Mister Ford.”

“I thought, given what happened, you would call me Thomas.”

There was some slight bemusement in his voice. Sophia gritted her teeth, her gaze on the ground.

“I would never be that informal with my sister’s fiancé, sir.”

She felt Thomas stiffen beside her, but she ignored him. She was trying to remember her place. He needed to as well.
