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She was starting to rise up on her tiptoes. Was she really expecting him to kiss her? Thomas took a step back and offered his arm.

“Shall we?”

Looking a little dejected, Aimee pouted and took his arm.

“I don’t know why you won’t kiss me. We are going to be married, after all.”

“You’re going to need to wait for me to propose first.”

“That will happen. I know it.”

Thomas really wasn’t looking forward to this evening. He felt like he had been backed into a corner.

Chapter 16

Sophia felt really uncomfortable, especially when she was sure Thomas was watching her the whole time. It felt even worse when she was doing the first dance with Mister Shore. To her, it felt like everyone was staring at them.

She really didn’t like being the centre of attention.

Also, her stomach was churning, knowing what would be happening later. Sophia had been on her way to bed the night before, and she overheard her parents talking about how they were getting impatient waiting for Thomas to propose to Aimee and that they couldn’t actually move forward until it was made official.

Then Westbury spoke about getting the musicians to stop at some point during the night and putting Thomas on the spot to propose to Aimee. He would be speaking to Baroness Beauchamp about it.

Sophia did not want to be in the room when that happened. Not after what Thomas had said to her a few days ago. Not when he had kissed her. Twice. Showing how deep his feelings went for her. Sophia was naive about love, but she didn’t need to be when she saw how Thomas looked at her and how he behaved towards her.

And knowing he was going to go ahead and marry Aimee made her physically ill. No matter what Thomas said, it would be happening. He wouldn’t embarrass either family by pulling out now. Sophia would have to witness the man she was beginning to fall for marrying her sister.

Aimee was going to make both of them miserable. Sophia couldn’t see that being a good marriage. But she couldn’t object to it without revealing what had happened between her and Thomas.

Not that her parents would listen to her, anyway. They barely noticed her nowadays, as it was. Sophia could object all she wanted, but they would just send her on her way.

What was she going to do after that? Marry someone else so she didn’t spend the rest of her life moping about someone she couldn’t have?

That wouldn’t be Mister Shore. Sophia had listened to the rumours, and she knew she wasn’t about to be taken in by him. Mister Shore was setting out to seduce her; he wasn’t looking for marriage. Sophia was not going to succumb to his advances, whether they were obvious or subtle.

But she did like being in his company. Mostly because there was someone actually paying her attention. After being ignored by her family for so long, it was nice to have anyone giving her attention, even if it was for nefarious reasons. And Mister Shore was actually good company with a sense of humour. Sophia liked that about him.

She wasn’t about to marry him, and their courtship would eventually end amicably, but the attention was flattering.

It’s not as good as Thomas’ attention, though.

Sophia pushed that away. She didn’t want to think about that now.

“Are you well, Lady Sophia?” Mister Shore asked, peering at her with a worried expression. “You look really pale.”

“What? Oh.” Sophia brought herself back to the present and managed a smile. “Forgive me. I think I’m a little faint after dancing so much.”

“You didn’t dance much.” Mister Shore didn’t look convinced. “I thought you were going to pass out just then.”

Christiana was also frowning at Sophia.

“He’s right, Sophia. You look close to collapse.”

“Oh.” Sophia swallowed and fumbled with her glass. “I guess it’s just a bit hot in here. I’m struggling with the number of people around me. I’m not really used to it.”

“Well, there are more people than I expected to be here.” Mister Shore took the glass from her. “I’ll take you outside for some air. Maybe a walk around the garden will help bring some colour back into your cheeks.”

“There’s no need …” Sophia began, but Christiana cut her off.
