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“Yes, I fell in love with Thomas. Yes, I know that was wrong, but for once, I wanted something for me, instead of being tossed aside. For the first time in my life, I wanted to be selfish. I know it was a bad thing, and I fought myself so much with it out of respect for my sister.

But what respect did any of my family give me? Why should I respect Aimee after she’s been so disrespectful towards me over the years? You allow them so much freedom, but what about me, Mother? What did I ever do wrong to you?”

Throughout her angry rant, Lady Westbury looked like Sophia had actually slapped her in return. Sophia hadn’t meant to say that much; it had just tumbled out of her once she started, and she couldn’t stop. Now her throat was sore, her mouth was dry, and she was out of breath. Sophia could feel herself panting.

Finally, Lady Westbury got rid of her stunned look and composed herself, fixing Sophia with a cold stare.

“Go to your bedchamber. You are not to leave for anything at all. You are going to remain in your room.”

“What? For how long?”

“Until we decide what to do with you. Even then, you will never be going anywhere on your own. You will have a chaperone with you, even in your room.” The viscountess’ jaw tightened. “As for your despicable actions towards Aimee, that stops right now. If Mister Ford doesn’t propose to Aimee and refuses to marry her, we will never agree to him marrying you.”

Sophia stiffened.

“Why not? Because it’s not under your control?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Everyone knows that Mister Ford is courting Aimee and that everyone was expecting him to propose. What will go through their heads when he turns Aimee down and starts courting you? That’s too much of a scandal for us. As far as we’re concerned, you will never have a future with Mister Ford, and you’ll be lucky if you leave the house before you’re married.”

“What? Married?” Sophia stared. “Who do you expect to marry me?”

“We’ll find someone. Maybe an older gentleman who can keep you in line. You certainly need it.” Lady Westbury pointed towards the door. “Now go to your room. Don’t even think about coming out.”

“Mother …”

“If you don’t want your paintings to be ruined in front of you, you go right now.”

Sophia didn’t need to ask if her mother meant it about the paintings. Just one look at her face said she absolutely would ruin them. She was mad enough to punish her daughter like that.

Trying to hold back her tears, Sophia left the room, half-walking and half-stumbling to the foot of the stairs. Then she collapsed onto the bottom step, unable to stop the tears from falling. She couldn’t go on anymore.


Thomas didn’t see Sophia come back into the room, and that left him worried. Where was she now? Was she still in the house?

Wherever she was, she was going to be facing her mother. Lady Westbury had left shortly after Aimee told her and the viscount what she had witnessed. The viscountess looked thunderous as she left while Westbury glared at Thomas in disapproval.

At least, if he were this angry, there wouldn’t be a public proposal. That was something.

Thomas wanted to see Sophia. Aimee had slapped her hard, and Sophia had sounded close to tears. He just wanted to hold her and try to make her feel better, but he couldn’t. Not when he was probably going to be kept separate from her.

Aimee was going to make him marry her, no matter what. Thomas could refuse to propose and leave, but Aimee would then tell everyone what she saw. She was willing to ruin her sister’s reputation to get what she wanted. Sophia wouldn’t be able to cope with any of that. Thomas didn’t want her to be humiliated over something he did.

But how was he going to get out of this? Thomas knew what he wanted, but unless he could figure out a way to get Aimee away from him and have Sophia as his own, he was stuck. It wouldn’t be happening as he wanted.

He would rather be unmarried and alone than married and unhappy if he had to make Aimee his wife. Aimee had to know that, but she seemed determined.

With her hand firmly on his arm, Thomas looked around, trying to find someone to help him. Where was Edwin? He needed his brother to come and rescue him right now.

Then he spied Pierce, who was talking to Viscount Hawksworth. Both were deep in conversation, Pierce more than likely regaling Hawksworth with some of his tall tales.

His friend wasn’t going to be happy when he heard what had happened. But, right now, he was probably the only person who could actually help him. Thomas turned to Aimee.

“If you’ll excuse me, Lady Aimee? I’m going to talk to Father and Mister Shore.”

“I’ll come with you,” Aimee said immediately. “You’re not going anywhere without me.”

Thomas stiffened.
