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Air lodges in my throat. “Me too.” It comes out a croak and a bit scratchy.

Dean leans forward, taking both of my upper arms in his hands and placing a kiss on my forehead. My entire face flushes under his warm lips and breath. “I wish I could kiss you properly.”

“I wouldn’t mind that.”

“But we have an audience.”

“I know.”

“Drive safe, Payton.”

“I will. You too.” I notice he hasn’t let go of my arms.

“Can I text you after she goes to bed?”

“I would like that.”

Even though his eyes are burning into me, he quickly glances over my shoulder once before he’s moving and his lips are on mine. The kiss is simple and quick, yet still ignites my blood all the way to my core. I almost whimper when he pulls back and drops his hands. “Good night,” he whispers.

I try to reply, but the words just won’t come. A simple good night is just gone from my vocabulary. Stupid hormones.

He holds open my door as I slide in and slip my key into the ignition. As soon as I’m belted in, I glance back in his direction. He gives me a knowing grin before shutting the door and heading towards his own vehicle.

My pulse is hammering in my neck and I’m breathing harder than I should be. Why do I always feel this way around him? The kiss was the simplest of kisses, one that you’d give a friend. Yet it sent desire and lust racing through my body as if it were qualifying for the pole position.

A racing metaphor? Really?

Sighing, I slip my car into reverse and pull from my parking spot. Dean’s still there in his car, waiting for me to exit first. When I’m on the road, I continually glance back and watch his headlights in my rearview mirror until he reaches his turn, and suddenly, his lights are no longer behind me.

I can already tell I have company before I even reach my driveway. Lexi’s car is on the street, but I don’t see her inside, which tells me she’s already made use of the spare key hidden on the porch. Gathering my belongings and my wits, I head inside to face one of my baby sisters.

Reaching the front door, I throw it open, knowing it’s already unlocked. “Honey, I’m home,” I holler. The light above the sink is still on, as well as one of the lamps in the living room.

I see her as soon as I step into the living room. She’s sitting on the couch after helping herself to a glass of wine. “Mind if I get one of those before the inquisition begins?” I ask, dropping my purse and bag on the table.

“It’s not my wine. Though, I’m already on my third glass so there’s probably not too much left. Oh, by the way, you’re almost out of wine.”

“Noted. I only keep that stuff here for you guys anyway,” I state and head into the kitchen to grab myself a glass. My plan was to use the time to collect my thoughts before having to go back inside the living room and explain Dean, but I quickly realize that no amount of time in my kitchen will give me the answers I need.

Grabbing a glass and the rest of the bottle, I join my sister in the living room.

Pouring myself a small amount, I ask, “Chris working late?”

“Of course.”

“How’s the baby making going?”

“Not. Rumor has it you have to have sex to make a baby. My husband would rather work himself into an early grave so that we can buy the perfect piece of land and build the perfect freaking house and have our finances in perfect fucking order before we try the fucking part.”


“Yeah, well, I have a plan,” she says before taking a big gulp of wine. “I’m going to get him drunk, tie him to the bed, and screw him until he puts a baby in me. People have been making drunk-sex babies for decades. That’s the only way I’m going to get knocked up, Pay. He thinks the mood has to be just right, but I’m here to tell you it doesn’t. You just have to have a stiffy with plenty of swimmers to make it work.

“Remember that girl in high school who got pregnant our senior year? She doesn’t even remember it. Too much to drink at a party and bam. Knocked up. That’s what I’m going to do. Saturday night at sisters’ night, I’m getting sloshed. I’ve already told Chris he’s meeting me there this Saturday, no excuses. If I was as limber as I was in high school, I’d make him get naked in the car in the parking lot, but we’d probably never fit in the backseat anymore.”

“And don’t forget what happened to Ryan and Jaime when they went parking in old man Gerard’s bean field.”

“True. My luck someone would see the car rocking and call Barney.”
