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“So, make sure you get home before you strip his clothes off and make him blow.”

“See, that’s the thing, Pay. I shouldn’t have to make him do anything. He should want to get naked with me. I mean, isn’t the best part about having a baby all of the practicing? Why doesn’t he want to do that anymore?”

“I don’t know, Lex,” I reply softly. It’s the honest to God’s truth.

“I miss the practicing. We used to practice a lot. Now he gets home from work after I’ve gone to bed. I try to snuggle up against him, but he’s virtually asleep the moment his head hits the pillow. And when we do have sex, he’s not as thorough as he used to be. I mean, we both still get off, but, I don’t know. It’s just missing something.”

“I’m sorry, Lex. I wish I knew what to say. It’s not like I have a lot of experience in life lessons on love.”

“Speaking of, let’s not talk about my crappy sex life. Let’s talk about yours. Apparently, you have one and didn’t share.”

I sigh loudly. Dammit, Grandma.

“Oh, don’t act so surprised. You should have known she would call us before the cheese started to cool on her pizza. This is the woman who knew perfectly well where Jaime was that first night with Ryan and still called all of us, claiming she was kidnapped.”

“God, why did I have to run into her tonight? It’s…it’s not really what you think.”

“So you’re not sleeping with some gorgeous nerdy man with eyes that make women everywhere quiver between the legs?”

“What? Gross.”

“Her words, not mine. Let’s come back to the fact that your boyfriend makes your grandma’s lady parts quiver, okay? Let’s go back to the beginning and focus on boyfriend.”

“I’m going to need therapy,” I grumble, taking another healthy gulp of wine, effectively draining the glass. I could use another refill, but I know the longer I draw out this conversation, the more liquored we’ll both become, subsequently, the more dirty details I’m liable to give. “What do you want to know?”

“Everything. Start at the beginning.”

Sighing, I do as instructed. “Last summer, the accountant I used retired and turned over my business, along with his other clientele, to a new man. Dean McIntire.”

“You’re screwing your accountant?” Lexi interrupts, practically shouting it across the room.

“Stop yelling. I don’t need the senior citizens in the next county to hear, okay? Anyway, when I met him for the first time, he was…wow. He was gorgeous. Every time I had to take my monthly profits and losses statement, and all of my employment and income tax documents to him, he was always there, waiting. I tried to just drop them off with their secretary, but she always said he wanted to see me.”

“I bet he did,” she quips quietly.

“One night last fall, I was his last appointment. One thing led to another, and then next thing I knew, we were going at it on top of his desk.”

Lexi’s eyes are as round as saucers. “Nice.”

“He went home with me that night, but was gone before the sun came up. We both determined it was a one-time thing, but then it just kept happening. It didn’t matter if it was his office or if he stopped by the flower shop, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, even though we both decided it was wrong.”

“I don’t get it. What’s wrong about it? I mean, you were having great sex, right?”

“Yeah, it was amazing, but he is my accountant. I am his client. There is a professional line that has been crossed, and in a big way.”

“Pshhhh. Professional shmessional. It’s not against the law, is it? No. I say there’s nothing holding you back.”

“Wait, there’s more. When I went to my trade show last week, they lost my reservation. I tried several different hotels in the area and no one had availability because there were multiple conferences in the same vicinity. I was at the last one before I said forget it and headed home, and Dean was there.”

“Where? At the hotel?”

“Yep. I was standing there being told that they had nothing available when he walked up to me and offered me half of his room.”


“It was my only option if I wanted to stay in Richmond, so I took him up on it.”

“And fell right into his bed.” My sister giggles with the assumption.
